Don't Make Me Choose - Part One

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I was one of the many people who did the hair and make up for the Netflix show Stranger Things. I had the joyous and envious task of transforming Joe Keery and Joseph Quinn. It was probably a good thing that I didn't know who either of them were before I met them, or I may have been a bit of a fan girl, and not developed the friendships I did with them.

I met Joe first, he had a bigger part to play than Joseph, so had been around for longer. I remember the first time I saw him, even though it was ridiculously early in the morning, and he was half asleep - there was something about him. I couldn't tell you if it was his beautiful looks, his charming personality or his gorgeous hair. I was drawn to him. It was just as well that we got along as I got to see him at his worst, first thing in the morning, when I transformed him into the handsome Steve Harrington and at his most tired and cranky at the end of the day, when I turned him back into Joe.

I got the task of turning Joseph into Eddie Munson when he arrived. I got to be up close to those amazing chocolate button eyes.

I was oblivious at first, to how these two would flirt with me. I thought they were just being friendly. I had to be told by the other girls that did hair and makeup - they could see it a mile away and couldn't believe I hadn't picked up on it!

As time went on, I got to know each of them better and even agreed to go out with them - separately of course - neither of them knew the other one was interested, but they soon figured that out for themselves. I found myself falling for Joseph but I really enjoyed Joe's company, but I wasn't interested in him, the same way I was with Joseph.


Things had been progressing over the last few months and were about to come to a head. Joe wanted more from our relationship than what I did - I had to tell him my heart was with Joseph. Joseph and I were heading to Joe's trailer, one night during a break in filming, so I could tell him how I felt. We didn't make it to his trailer, he was on his way out when he saw us, me leading the way with Joseph walking behind me, holding my hand.

'What the hell?' Joe's face fuming as he saw Joseph and I together.

'I'm sorry Joe, I couldn't continue to let you think there was a future with me.'

'Did you not enjoy being with me?' Joe asked, raising his voice.

'I love spending time with you, you are an amazing guy but I don't have feelings for you the way you do for me.' I reached over to grab his hand 'I love you but I'm not....'

'But you're not IN love with me.' He said as he looked down at me holding his hand then up at my face, my eyes now brimming with tears.

'I'm sorry.' I whispered.

Joseph went to say something, but I stopped him with a squeeze of my hand and a look that he knew meant now wasn't the right time - Joe would not want to hear from the man who got the woman he wanted.

'I can't be around you two right now.' Joe snatched his hand out of mine and walked off.

I watched him walk away, hoping he wasn't walking out of my life, hoping I could still have a friendship with him, only time would tell.......................................

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