Carrying A Secret

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The Harrington name and the Y/L/N were both well known around Hawkins and were both held in high stead, this meant that the children of these families were expected to be well behaved and follow in their parents footsteps. This was not the case for either family. Ever since the drama with the disappearance of Will Byers in 1983, both teens had been involved in dealing with the Upside Down and all that it involved. Neither of them did well at school, nor did either of them get into college, but they did end up together - the 'golden couple' as their parents and those among the Hawkins well-to-do called them. To the mixed up group of friends they had made, Steve and Y/N were just the perfect couple, no need for titles or to live up to expectations, they were two people who could be relied upon whenever needed and who could rely upon their friends.

Both sets of parents were thrilled at the relationship and began planning out their futures - engaged after dating for a few years, then the marriage, then getting their own house and then the babies. But these things don't always turn out the way you plan them.



'Well, Miss Y/L/N, you're pregnant.' The doctor said as he read through the notes on her file.

'What?' My mother and I both exclaimed.

'There must be some kind of mistake, doctor, there is no way my daughter is pregnant!' My mother said, almost screeching at the doctor.

'I assure you, Mrs Y/L/N, the results are correct, your daughter is definitely pregnant.'

My mother looked over at me, clearly horrified that her precious daughter was pregnant before marriage. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, instead I just sat there, motionless, staring at the carpet as I sobbed.

'Who did this to you? Was it the Harrington boy?'

'Of course it was, mom. Steve is the only boy I've been with.'

'How could you be so stupid? I thought we'd raised you better than this.'

'MOM!' I cried, 'Steve and I have always been careful, I don't know how this happened.'

'It's possible.' The doctor chimed in, 'No form of contraception is 100% effective. Go easy on your daughter, Mrs Y/L/N, she's clearly scared and is going to need your support.'

'Thank you doctor, I think I know how to look after my daughter!' My mom scowled as she got up to leave the room.

The doctor gave me a sympathetic smile, a few words of comfort and some pamphlets about pregnancy before I too, left the room. I left the room, unable to stop the flood of tears streaming down my cheeks, so many thoughts were going through my head. I wasn't scared to tell Steve, I knew he'd be happy, we'd discussed having children but not this soon. It was my dad I was scared to tell, he won't be happy, I just know it.

My mother was with the receptionist paying for the appointment, when I caught up to her. She took one look at me and ordered me to go and wait by the car, she didn't need her sobbing daughter embarrassing her in the doctor's office, gossip liked to spread in a town like Hawkins. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I saw Mrs. Harrington heading towards me, I assume she had seen that I was upset and wanted to know what was wrong. My mother appeared from the doctor's clinic in the nick of time.

'Susan! So good to see you!'

'Diane, Y/N, just wanted to see if everything was okay.'

'Oh yes, everything is fine Y/N is feeling a bit under the weather, just heading back home to tuck her into bed.'

'Oh, I hope you feel better soon, Y/N, we'll have to have you guys over for dinner soon, it's been a while.'

'That would be lovely, Susan, I'll talk to Jack about it.' My mom said before unlocking and getting into the car. 

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