Story 27--On the same board

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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/C): Favourite Colour

"Hey (Y/N)!"

You turned to see one of your best friends in the Institute, Gogo, approach you with her new roller blades on her feet, and you giggled as she eventually braked to a stop, surprised that she didn't even knock you over.

"Hey Gogo," you greeted her, waving. "What's up?"

"Heh, not much," she chuckled, looking down at her roller blades and grinning. "Just thinking about a new idea for roller blades."

"Ahh." You nodded. You have always admired Gogo for her love for speed, and have always envied her whenever she came up with new ideas. Of course, you and Gogo were close lab partners, so by now you were completely used to her awesome ways. It was quite an achievement for you to be in SFIT as one of the youngest students, the other being Hiro Hamada, whom you have never met. You have only heard of his name, but that was all.

Gogo nodded as she took the blades off. "Hey, I was thinking. Maybe this weekend we should all get together and head over to this new skating park that was recently opened. I'm planning on calling up everyone—you know, Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, Tadashi—and hey, maybe then you might be able to meet Hiro."

To this, you looked stunned. "How did you know I have never met Hiro before?"

"I just do," Gogo smiled. "He is one of our closest friends too, but what with our busy work schedules lately we all haven't had time to chill out together. So what do you say?"

You bit your lip, thinking. So maybe then you would be able to meet the other guy that got everyone buzzing, the other guy that got your brain nagging hard. He was your age, and yet you never had the chance to see him.

"Where is this new park?" you asked her.

Gogo grinned. "It's actually not too far from SFIT. You know the park that's just across? The one with the flowers and nature and stuff?"

"And the big trees? Yeah," you nodded.

"Well, the skate park is just a bit beyond that," Gogo told you. "Just keep going on the main path, and when you reach the end of the big forest you'll see it. I've been there quite a few times actually. In fact, that was where I was."

"If only I could have time," you sighed. "Problem is, I'm slightly behind with projects."

"I'm sure you'll get them done in time," Gogo assured you. "Hey, maybe I can help you out."

"Sounds good!" you grinned. The two of you then headed to your lab and got set to work.


"Now where did I put my roller blades," you muttered to yourself, opening the door of your closet. It was finally the day when you were supposed to meet the rest of your friends at the new skate park, and you were already late.

"Found them!" you cried, grabbing your roller blades, which were still good as new from the last time you use them...which turned out to be a week ago. You also grabbed your (F/C) skateboard for good measure and stuffed your sneakers in your backpack, quickly running outside and putting your blades on and speeding all the way to the park. The wind whipped through your hair and the speed, oh the super fast speed made you feel like you were soaring through the air without a single worry in your mind. You were able to dodge all of your obstacles and head right over to the park without any difficulty, eventually braking to a stop in front of Gogo.

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