Chapter 2

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Narrator pov

The next day arrived and right now
Y/n was getting ready for school.


Y/n pov

After I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I walked into the kitchen and saw a plate of bagels on the table along with a note.

I picked up the note and it was from mom.

Dear Y/n, I had to go to work early today so I made you breakfast, have a great day at your new school, love mom.

I smiled at the note and started to eat the bagels that she made me.

After I finished eating, I got my backpack and lunch box, then I headed outside, locked the door, and started to head to school since it wasn't to far from my house.

While walking, I couldn't stop thinking about how today is gonna go.

I felt really nervous, but I tried to think positive.

But then I suddenly felt like I was being watched, I tried to shake it off but I couldn't, then I heard footsteps from behind me.

I turned around and saw a boy behind me, he had spiky blue hair, black eyes, and was tall.

I didn't know if I should say anything, but before I could think some more.

"Hi" the boy says with a big smile.

"Are you talking to me?" I ask in curiosity.

"Yes, theirs no one else here" says the boy.

I looked around and realized that he was right.

"Oh, you're right" I say while chuckling nervously.

"Was that you who was following me?" I ask in curiosity.

"Yes, sorry if I creeped you out I was trying to get your attention" says the boy.

"Oh sorry, I guess I was so deep in thought I didn't noticed you" I say feeling embarrassed.

"That ok, by the way my name is Stuart what's your name?" Stuart asks in curiosity.

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you" I say with a shy smile.

"What a beautiful name, so are you new here?" Stuart asks in more curiosity.

"Yes I am" I say while nodding.

I started to blush when he commented on my name, but I tried to stay cool.

"What school are you going to?" Stuart asks.

"I'm actually going to the high school, I'm a freshman" I say while smiling.

"Really, I am to" Stuart says with a huge grin.

I smiled bigger when Stuart said that.

"Wanna walk to school together?" Stuart offers.

"Sure, I'd love to" I say while nodding.

So we began to walk to school together.


Narrator pov

After Y/n and Stuart got to school, they went their separate ways since
Y/n needed to get her schedule.


Y/n pov

After I got my schedule, I saw that I have reading, math social studies, science, gym, art, and music.

I looked around and finally found my first period classroom.

When I walked in, the teacher smiled at me and continued to do his teaching.

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