Chapter 35

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Narrator pov

Here's what they boys are up to.


Stuart pov

Michael, Stanley, Andy, and I were just leaving the truck pull, we decided to go for a walk around the park. While doing that, we talked about random stuff.

"It's nice that we're having a boys day out" says Michael.

"I agree" Stanley nodded.

"But I do miss the others" I say.

"Especially Y/n" Andy teased.

I blushed in embarrassment when Andy said that, but he wasn't wrong.


"You know, I've been noticing that you blush around her, want to explain?" Michael asks.

"I haven't been blushing" I denied.

They all looked at me in a way that they know I'm lying.

"You can't fool us Stuart, we all noticed that you do so you can't hide it" Stanley smirked.


"So is there something you're hiding, it'll be a secret between us guys" says Andy.

Since I can't hide it, I decided to tell them.

"The truth is...I'm in love with Y/n"

"Awesome man, when are you gonna tell her?" Michael asks in curiosity.

"I don't know yet"

"I heard from the principal that in April, there's gonna be a school dance, so you can ask her to be your date and when the time is right confess your love to her" Andy suggested.

"I don't know guys, what if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" I ask frowning.

"Stuart, we noticed she blushes around you all the time so it's obvious that she likes you back" says Stanley.

"You all think so?"

They all nodded with grins.

I thought for a while, then I nodded.

"Alright, when the dance gets close I'll ask her"

"Good luck man" Michael says with two thumbs up.

Then something popped in my head.

"Hey, do you guys have a love interest?" I ask in curiosity.

I saw that they all blushed, and they nodded as well.

"If I told you my crush, you gotta tell me yours"  I say in a teasing tone.

"If we do, we have to agree to keep them a secret" says Andy.


"Who's first?"

"Not it" says Andy.

"Not it" says Stanley.

"You're it" both Andy and Stanley say while pointing at Michael.

"Aw man" Michael groaned.

"Tell us Michael, who do you like?" I ask.

"It's...Chelsea" Michael answered while blushing.

"I had a feeling that's who you were gonna say" Stanley grinned.

"Me to" I say while grinning as well.

"I'll go next just to get this over with, mine is...Lila" says Andy.

"Awesome man" I smiled.

"I guess I'm next, I'm in love with... Jasmine" Stanley says while blushing.

"Oh you like Jasmine, I didn't know that" I say in surprise.

"Yeah, I started falling in love with her after I got to know her and we had something in common"

"What's that?" Andy asks in curiosity.

"We both lost our mom's at a young age"

"We're sorry about your mom" Michael says in sympathy.

"It's okay, I know she's watching over me but I do miss her" Stanley says in a sad tone.

"I would to if I lost my mom" says Michael.

"Even though my mom works all the time, I would miss her to if I lost her" I say.

"Me to" Andy nodded.

"But anyway, after me and her got to know each other for a while, I started to develop these feelings for her" Stanley explained.

"So when are you all gonna tell your crushes about your feelings?" I ask.

They all just shrugged their shoulders. Then a idea popped in my head.

"Hey I have an idea, how about we all tell our crushes how we feel at the school dance" I suggested.

They all looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll do it"

I grinned at their answer.

Finally, we decided to go to the bowling alley.


Narrator pov

After they got done bowling, they got some dinner at Chick-fil-A and went home.

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