Chapter 10

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Y/n pov

After hours went by, school was finally over for the day.

I met up with the others.

"Hey guys" I say while waving at them.

"Hi Y/n" everyone says.

"It looks like it's still raining outside" Stuart says while looking out the window.

"Don't worry guys, I can drive you all home" Michael offered.

"Thanks Michael" we all say.

Then I saw Chelsea at her locker.

"Hey there's Chelsea" I say.

They all looked at the same direction I was looking and saw that I was right.

So we walk over to her.

"Hi Chelsea" we all say.

She looked at us and smiled.

"Hi guys, how are you?" Chelsea asks.

"We're good, how are you?" Jasmine asks.

"I'm doing fine" Chelsea says with a small smile.

"So my brother is driving all of us home since it's still raining, you wanna ride with us?" Michelle asks.

"Really, you mean it?" Chelsea asks in surprise.

"Of course, it's what friends are for" Jasmine says with a big smile.

"Thanks so much, I'd love to ride with you all" Chelsea says in happiness.

"Awesome, let's go home" says Stuart.


Narrator pov

After we got into Michael's car, Chelsea sat in the middle between Stuart and me in the middle seats, while Lila and Jasmine sat in the back seats, and Michael sat behind the wheel with Michelle in the passenger seat.


Y/n pov

"So Chelsea, where do you live?" Michael asks.

After she told us, we were excited since she we live close to each other.

"Alright, does your parents know that you're being drove home?" Michael asks.

"Their always at work so even if I text them, they won't respond" Chelsea says in a low tone.

We all had concern looks on our faces.

"Really, you're parents are always at work?" Jasmine asks while frowning.

"Yeah" Chelsea nodded.

"That sucks, we're sorry to hear that" Michelle says in a sympathy tone.

"It's ok, I've been used to it" Chelsea says with a small smile.

"Well you got us now, so if you ever need to talk about how you feel, let us know" says Stuart.

"Thanks" Chelsea says in a grateful tone.

So after a while of driving and dropping off, we finally made it to my house.

"Thanks for driving me home" I say while grabbing my backpack.

"No problem Y/n, we'll see you tomorrow" says Michael.

"Bye Y/n" Michelle says while waving.

"See ya guys" I say while getting out of the car.

After I walked inside, I saw that mom was not home from work.

Evening came.

I was doing some homework until I heard my phone ringing.

"Hm, who could that be?" I wondered while getting up to get my phone.

When I unplugged my phone, I saw that it was Stuart.

I answered.


Narrator pov

(Y/n and Stuart's phone conversation)

"Hey Stuart" Y/n says while smiling.

"Hey love, what are you up to?" Stuart asks.

"Just doing some homework, what are you doing?" Y/n asks.

"Just laying in my bed watching TV" Stuart says while chuckling.

"Cool" says Y/n.

"Anyway, I was calling to remind you that tomorrow is Friday you still up for our hangout at Lila's house?" Stuart asks.

"You bet I am" Y/n says while chuckling.

"I'm glad" says Stuart.

But before I could say something, I heard the telephone in the living room ringing.

"Uh, hey Stuart can you wait a minute, I hear my telephone in the living room ringing" says Y/n.

"Yeah, go ahead" says Stuart.

(Paused on Y/n and Stuart's phone conversation)


Y/n pov

After I put my cellphone down, I hurried to the telephone and picked it up.

"Hello" I say.

"Hi, is this Y/n L/n?" the voice asks.

"Yes, who is this?" I ask in curiosity.

"This is your mom's boss, I'm sorry to inform you this but you're mom has been in a car accident" the boss says in a hesitate tone.

My eyes widen in horror and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Is...she ok?" I ask while trying not to cry.

"We're not sure, she was taken to the hospital" says the boss.

"Ok, I'll head their right now thank you bye" I say while quickly hanging up.

I hurried back to my room and talked to Stuart again.


Narrator pov

(Back to Y/n and Stuart's phone conversation)

"Stuart, I need to call you back" Y/n says while tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Love, what's wrong?" Stuart asks in worry.

"My mom's boss just called and informed me that my mom was in a car accident" Y/n says while sobbing.

"What, is she ok?" Stuart asks in a horror tone.

"I don't know, I'm heading to the hospital right now" says Y/n.

"Wait love, it's still raining do you need me to call Michael to drive you their?" Stuart asks.

"No I need to go now, I'll take an umbrella" Y/n says while grabbing an umbrella.

"Love..." Stuart tries to finish.

"Stuart I'll be fine, I'll call you back"
Y/n says in a rushing tone.

But Y/n didn't let Stuart finish and hung up.

She opened her umbrella and ran as fast as she could to the hospital.

Luckily, it wasn't to far from her house.

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