Chapter 12

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Y/n pov

After we arrived to the Waffle House and ordered our meals, we started talking.

"Again, thank you for coming to the hospital" I say in gratefulness.

"No problem love" Stuart says while smiling.

"But you didn't have to" I say.

"But I wanted to, I was worried about you" says Stuart.

"But I wasn't the one hurt though" I say with a confused look.

"True but you're my friend, hearing that you had a loved one in an accident, it scared me" says Stuart.

"It did?" I ask.

"Yeah" Stuart nodded.

"I do have another reason" says Stuart.

"Oh" I say.

"Well, you know how you're not from here" says Stuart.

"Yeah" I nodded

"I was worried that if you're mom didn't make it, then you would be moving back to your hometown since you're grandparents are the only relatives you got" says Stuart.

"Yeah, that would've sucked" I say while frowning.

"I didn't want that to happen to you because I'm gonna admit something, you're gonna be the first one to know it" Stuart says in a serious tone.

"Oh...ok" I say.

"You see, I've never had friends before and the day I met you for some reason their was something different about you, I can't explain what but I was happy that you weren't like the other students in school that would not wanna be around me or get to know me and I felt lonely, I even feel lonely at home because my parents are always at work, so if you did leave I would be depressed" Stuart says while frowning.

I felt my face turn red.

"But you got the others" I mentioned.

"I know but, you're my best friend and I don't want anything to happen to you" Stuart says while blushing.

I felt my face turning even more red but Stuart's words touched my heart.

"Oh Stuart" I say with a soft smile.

Then I placed my hand on his that was on the table.

"You're so sweet, I'm gonna be honest with you you're actually the first true friend I've ever had" I say.

"You mean, you haven't had friends before either?" Stuart asks.

"I have but, they were fake" I say with a sad look.

"Fake?" Stuart asks in confusion.

I began to tell Stuart everything about my fake friends back at home and how hurt I was by them.

After telling the whole story.

"Oh my God, what idiots" Stuart says in anger.

I nodded in agreement.

"Love, always remember this" Stuart says while placing his other hand on top of my hand.

I looked at him in confusion.

"I would never treat you like that, and I know the others wouldn't either so always remember that you're not alone" Stuart says with a soft smile.

I smiled back.

"Thanks Stuart" I say while smiling and blushing.

Then the waiter brought our meals and we began to eat.


Narrator pov

After they got done eating, they saw that it stopped raining.


Y/n pov

"I'm glad that it stopped raining" I say.

"Me to" says Stuart.

"Let's head back to my house" I say.

Stuart nodded.

So we began to walk to my house.


Narrator pov

After they arrived to Y/n's house.


Y/n pov

"Well, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow" I say.

"You gonna be ok by yourself love?" Stuart asks in worry.

"Yeah I'll be fine, don't worry" I say with a reassure smile.

"Alright, see you tomorrow" Stuart says while waving.

"See ya" I say while waving back.

When evening came and I was in my bed thinking about mom.

"I know she's gonna be fine, but I still can't help but worry about her" I say while tears formed in my eyes.

Then I started to cry a little while my face was buried in the pillow.


Narrator pov

The next day, Y/n woke up but didn't feel well since she cried all night so she caught herself a bad headache.

So she decided to stay home from school today.


Y/n pov

"I better text the others that I'm not gonna be able to come to school today" I say in a low tone.

Luckily, we made a group chat so I can text them at the same time.

I told them about how I couldn't sleep last night and that I got a bad headache, so I was staying home today.

I even texted Stuart in private and asked him to tell the others about my mom.

After that, I went into the bathroom and took some Tylenol then I went back to bed.


Stuart pov

Hours went by and right now me and the others were eating lunch.

"Stuart, you ok?" Michael asks in concern.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Y/n" I say in a worry tone.

"But did the doctor say that her mom's gonna be ok?" Jasmine asks.

"Yeah but she's still worried" I say.

"I can understand that" Michelle says while nodding.

"Do you think after school, should we go and check on her?" Chelsea asks.

"I think we should, she probably needs some company" says Lila.

"I hope she's still on for tomorrow" I say.

"Yeah, I hope so to" says Jasmine.

"So it's settled, after school were gonna go to her house" I say.

"Right" everyone nodded.

A/n: I hope you all had a great Christmas 😊

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