Chapter 38

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Y/n pov

When we arrived, Stuart opened the door and helped me out of the car.

"Thanks Stuart"

"You're welcome love"

When we met with up the others, we got some food and drinks.

"Man, this food is awesome" Michelle comment with a big smile.

"You said it" says Lila.

"Try not to eat to much sis, or else you won't have the energy to dance" says Michael.

"Don't worry bro, I won't" Michelle rolled her eyes.


Stuart pov

I couldn't keep my eyes off Y/n, she looked so beautiful tonight. I couldn't wait to ask her to be my girlfriend, I hope she saids yes.

After we all got done eating, the So Close song started to play. I got up and held out my hand for Y/n.

"Y/n love, may I have this dance?" I ask while blushing.


Y/n pov

I blushed but nodded.

"Yes" I say while taking his hand.

We walked to the dance floor and began to slow dance.

I saw the others getting ready to slow dance as well.


Narrator pov

While Y/n and Stuart danced, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other. They were both smiling and we're blushing more then ever.


Y/n pov

"Love, can we go somewhere in private, I have something to tell you"


While we walked together hand in hand, I saw Lila and Andy kissing.

"Omg, Lila and Andy are kissing" I say in excitement.

Stuart looked and smiled big at the sight.

"I think their official" Stuart grinned.

"I think you're right" I chuckled.

We walked to our music classroom.

"Are you sure we're allowed to come in here?" I ask with a unsure expression on my face.

"It should be okay, we're students here after all"


"But anyway, remember how I said there's something I wanted to tell you"

"Yeah, so what is it?"

"Well I...I don't know how to ask this" Stuart stuttered while blushing.

I was confused at Stuart's attitude.

"Y/n, how would you feel if we wake up tomorrow and we were boyfriend and girlfriend?"

My eyes widen at Stuart's question.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hands and held them in his.

"Y/n, will you go out with me?"

I just stared at him with a shock expression on my face.

"I love you Y/n, I've been in love with you ever since I met you and I want to spend every minute of my life together with you, there's no other girl I will love but you" Stuart confessed.

I gasped and I felt tears come out of my eyes, but I smiled while they roll down my cheeks.

"Stuart...I love you to, and yes I will be your girlfriend"

My answer made Stuart smile big. Then we shared our first kiss.


Jasmine pov

Me and Stanley slow danced for a while.

"Jasmine, theirs something I have to say"

"Yes Stanley?"

"I love you, will you go out with me?" Stanley asks shyly.

My eyes widen but I smiled big.

"Yes and I love you to Stanley"

Then we shared our first kiss.


Chelsea pov

Me and Michael were watching the others dance.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you that you look beautiful tonight" Michael comment.

I blushed but smiled at him.

"Thanks Michael, you look really handsome tonight"

Suddenly, he placed his hand on my cheek and brought his lips to mine. I was shocked that Michael was kissing me, but I started to kiss back. After we parted, we looked at each other while blushing.

"Chelsea, I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend" Michael says with a big soft loving smile.

I gasped then nodded.

A d I wrapped my arms around him.


Emma pov

Me and Michelle were slow dancing.

"You looking really beautiful tonight Emma" Michelle comment.

I blushed.

"Thanks you Michelle, you do as well.

Out of nowhere, she dipped me and her lips touched mine. I was shocked at first, but I started kissing back. After she brought me back up, we looked at each other with loving smiles on both our faces.

"Emma, will you go out with me as in being my girlfriend?" Michelle asks softly.

I gasped while smiling and tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes" I nodded.

Then we kissed again.


Narrator pov

After the night of the dance, Y/n and Stuart were official. Same for Jasmine and Stanley, Lila and Andy, Chelsea and Michael, Emma and Michelle.

School has been better for all these couples, finally when summer break arrived, Y/n's mom plan on taking them all to Paris.

And that's how Y/n's life changed after moving to London.

The End

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