Chapter 16

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Y/n pov

When we got back to Lila's house, we played a few more video games and finally we all decided to head home.

"Well see you all Monday" Lila says while waving.

"See ya Lila" we all say.

Then the rest of us said goodbye to each other and went our separate ways, except for me and Stuart.

"I had alot of fun today" Stuart says with a grin.

"Me to" I nodded.

"Let's get you home love" Stuart says while smiling.

"I can get home myself" I say.

"I know but I want to make sure you get home safely" says Stuart.

I blushed but I shook it off.

"You're so sweet" I say while smiling.

My words made Stuart smile even bigger.


Narrator pov

After a while of walking, they finally arrived to Y/n's house.


Y/n pov

"Thanks again for walking me home Stuart" I say in gratefulness.

"No problem love, I'll see you at school" Stuart says while waving.

"Alright, bye" I say while waving back.

After I walked inside my house, I went into my bedroom and immediately got in my bed without putting pajamas on since I felt to lazy to put any on.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.


Narrator pov

The next day, Y/n was still sleeping but what she didn't know was she was gonna get a surprise.


Y/n pov

I felt someone rub my forehead gently, I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see who it was.

When I saw the person, my eyes widen.


I quickly sat up with tears forming in my eyes.

"Mom" I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Hi sweetie" mom says with a soft smile.

We both hugged each other tight.

"Mom, you're here" I say while crying tears of joy.

"I was able to leave this morning" says mom.

"But how did you get home, you still must be sore" I say while frowning.

"Stuart drove me home" mom answered.

I was surprised.

"How?" I ask in confusion.

"Well, this morning he came to the hospital to see how I was doing and I told him that I was able to come home today, he offered to drive me home and here I am" mom says while smiling.

"Wow, this was such a surprise" I say while chuckling.

"He's in the living room if you wanna see him" says mom.

"I'll be right their" I say.

Mom nodded.

After she walked out, I quickly changed my clothes and hurried to the living room.

I saw Stuart sitting on the couch with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey love" Stuart says while grinning.

I immediately ran over to him and hugged him tight.


Stuart pov

I was shocked at how Y/n just ran over to me and hugged me.

"Stuart, thank you" Y/n says in gratefulness.

I smiled at how happy Y/n sounded and began to hug her back.

"You're welcome love" I say while smiling and blushing.

"You're the best friend I've ever had" Y/n says softly.

Her words made me smile even bigger.

A/n: No new chapter Monday due to a busy day I got.

Have an awesome day 👍

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