Chapter 5

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Y/n pov

The next day, I was waiting for my friends to arrive.

"I hope you have a good day at school honey" mom says with a soft smile.

"Thanks mom" I say while smiling.

Then I saw Stuart and the others.

"Oh, here they come" I say.

"Hey love" Stuart says while waving.

"Hey guys, ready for another day of school?" I ask while walking over to them.

"Unfortunately yes" says Michelle.

"Bye mom, I'll see you later" I say while waving at my mom.

"Bye sweetie, have a good day" says mom.


Narrator pov

After they arrived to school, they had to go their separate ways except for Stuart and Y/n since they have reading class together.


Y/n pov

When Stuart and I arrived to class, we took our seats and waited for the teacher.

"So love, do you have plans after school?" Stuart asks in curiosity.

"No why?" I ask.

"Would you like to come to my house after school, I wanna show you all my instruments" Stuart says with a grin.

"Ooooooooooo, I'd love to" I say in excitement.

"Awesome" Stuart says while giving me two thumbs up.

Finally the teacher arrived.

After a while, the teacher was done with the lesson.

So right now, we were waiting for the bell to ring.

"Since we're going to your house after school, do you wanna invite the others?" I ask.

"Well, I was hoping that it can just be you and me because I want to get to know you more, I hope you're fine with that" says Stuart.

"Oh yeah, that's fine" I nodded.

"But maybe this weekend we can all do something together" Stuart suggested.

"I hope we can, we'll have to talk to them about it at lunch" I say.

Finally the bell rang.


Narrator pov

After a few hours, it was finally time for lunch.


Y/n pov

Me and my friends arrived to lunch.

"Man, I am so tired of school" Michelle says while complaining.

"Sis, we just got off summer break" Michael chuckled.

"I know, but I'm already tired" Michelle says while complaining more.

"I don't blame you Michelle, I rather be at home playing video games then learn" Lila says while laughing.

"Well look at the bright side you guys, at least we only have a few years until we graduate high school" I say.

"That's true love" Stuart says while nodding.

"And when we graduate, our parents are gonna make us get jobs and stuff" says Jasmine.

"And move out" Michael added.

"Yep" we all say.

"But hey, what's good about that coming up is when we're grown ups we can do  anything we want" Michelle says with a huge grin.

"Not always sis" says Michael.

"But even when we're adults, we're still always gonna hangout together right?" Lila asks in worry.

"Of course Lila, I know when we become adults we might be more busy then we already are in school, but in the end we're all still gonna be there for each other" I say in a sincere tone.

"Y/n's right" Stuart says while smiling.

"So anyway, not to change the subject but does everyone have plans this weekend?" I ask.

They all shook their heads and said no.

"How about this weekend, we can hangout" I suggested.

"Yeah, I'd like the sound of that" Jasmine says while smiling.

"Me to" Lila nodded in agreement.

"I'm in" Michelle says while raising her hand.

"Count me in" says Michael.

"So, what should we do?" Stuart asks.

"How about coming to my house and we can play some video games, then afterwards we can go get pizza for dinner then get some ice cream for dessert" Lila suggested.

"That's sounds great" Michelle says in excitement.

"Let's do it" I say with a big smile.

"Alright" everyone says in excitement.

I couldn't wait for the weekend.


Narrator pov

After a few hours passed, school day was finally over.

So Y/n and Stuart were on their way to Stuart's house.

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