Chapter 23

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Y/n pov

We arrived to my house.

"Again Stuart, thank you for saving me and walking me home" I say in gratefulness.

"No problem love, I'll see you tomorrow" says Stuart.

"Alright, see you then" I say while waving.

After I walked in, I saw mom sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Hey mom, I'm home" I greeted.

"Oh hi Y/n, how was your time at Jasmine's house?" mom asks in curiosity.

"I had a great time" I answered with a big smile.

I told mom about Jasmine's family and after telling her everything that I learned about Jasmine's family.

"Wow dear, she does have a big family and it's sad to hear about what happened to her mom" mom says in a sad tone.

"Yeah" I nodded in agreement.

And then I told mom about how Stuart saved me.

"Oh honey, are you ok?" mom asks while rushing over to me with a huge worry look on her face.

"Yes, and it's all thanks to Stuart" I answered.

"Wow, thank goodness he was around" mom sighed in relief.

"I know right" I nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed" I say while heading to my room.

"Alright goodnight dear" says mom.

"Night mom" I say.


Narrator pov

After Y/n got settled in her bed, she couldn't stop thinking about Stuart.


Y/n pov

"All he did was save me, why is my heart pounding so much when I think about him?" I questioned to myself in confusion.

"I've never had this problem before" I continued to myself.

I thought about what the problem could be and then an answer came into my head, but it made me blush.

" love...with...him?" I questioned to myself in shock.

Then I quickly sat up.

" I'm not in love" I say in a denying tone.

I shook my head trying to get rid of that idea.

"I need to get some sleep" I thought while laying back down.

And I feel asleep.


Narrator pov

The next day, Y/n was getting ready for school.


Y/n pov

I was in th kitchen eating some Captain Crunch cereal while waiting for my friends to arrive.

But I didn't realize that I was eating to fast.

"Darling, don't eat to fast" mom scolded.

I immediately stopped.

"Oops sorry mom, I was so deep in thought I didn't realize that I was eating to fast" I say feeling embarrassed.

"Is something on your mind dear?" mom asks in concern.

"No" I lied while shaking my head.

"Well alright dear, but if their is you don't have to hesitate to talk about it with me" says mom.

"I know mom, thanks" I say with a grateful smile.

Finally, I was done eating.

"Well, I'm done eating mom I should go outside and wait for my friends" I say while grabbing my backpack.

"Alright dear, have a good day" says mom.

And I walked out and saw my friends waiting for me.

After they all greeted me, we began to head to school, but for some reason every time I look at Stuart, I began to blush.

"What is this feeling?" I ask myself in confusion.


Stuart pov

I couldn't stop looking at Y/n, she looked so pretty today.

I suddenly stopped in shock.

"I've never thought of that about Y/n, I mean yes she's always looking pretty, but it's never made my heart pound before, what is this feeling?" I ask myself in confusion.

A/n: wish me luck tomorrow, it's surgery day and I'll probably post the new chapter of this story on Monday since I'll need to rest for a while.

Thanks for understanding and patience, have a great day 👍

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