Chapter 32

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Y/n pov

The next day, I was heading to class with Lila when we saw Andy leaning on the lockers with a huge frown on his face.

"What's wrong with Andy?" I ask in a whispering tone.

"I don't know, let's go see"

We walked over to Andy.

"Hi Andy, is everything okay?" Lila asks in concern.

This is the first time I heard Lila talk to Andy normally instead of getting all nervous since she has a crush on him.

"Oh hi guys, I'm just not happy today"

"What's wrong?" Lila asks.

"I got into a huge fight with my friends and they just left me after saying that they don't want to be friends with me anymore" Andy explained sadly.

"Oh Andy, we're so sorry" I say.

"It's not your fault"

"You don't have to answer this, but what did you all get into a fight about?" Lila asks.

"Well we're talking about our plans for the weekend and all I said was we needed to study for our big test that's on Monday, they got mad because they said all I do is study and work, I  never do fun stuff so they decided to have me as their friend anymore" Andy explained while frowning.

"I'm just asking but, do you always study and not go have fun once in a while" I ask in curiosity.

"Yeah" Andy nodded.

"Andy, I understand that you want to pass and graduate high school, but it's okay to have fun, it's not fair that you're friends would leave you the way they did, but you should have fun and not study all the time" Lila says with a soft smile.

"Lila's right, and besides if you always study then you're missing out on all the fun and excitement that happens around you" I added.

"I never thought of that, maybe your right I should take a break of studying all the time and go have fun, thanks guys" Andy smiled.

Lila blushed but smiled and I smiled as well.

"How about you hangout with us Andy, we can show you how to have fun" Lila suggested.

"I would like that very much, thank you" Andy says in gratefulness.

"C'mon, we better get to class" I say.

So all three of us headed to class.


Narrator pov

Hours went by and it was finally lunch time. So Y/n and her friends met up as usual, got their food, then sat at their table and began to talk about random stuff.


Y/n pov

I couldn't keep my eyes off Lila and Andy, they kept talking to each other. I think their might be something going on between them.

"Alright everyone listen up, I have a surprise for you, especially for Chelsea" Michael announced.

We all turned to Michael and we're curious at what the surprise is.

"Chelsea, open this" Michael says while handing Chelsea a present.

Chelsea looked at Michael in confusion but opened the present and when she did, her eyes widen.

"" Chelsea says in a speechless tone.

"What is it?" Jasmine asks in curiosity.

"It's tickets to the One Direction concert" Chelsea squealed in excitement.

All our eyes widen in shock, but we all started cheering.

"Wow I can't believe it, Michael thank you" Chelsea says while giving Michael a big hug.

Michael's face turned red but he hugged her back.

"I think Michael has a crush on Chelsea" Stuart whispered to me with a smirk.

"I think you're right" I whispered back while smirking.

"So how are we gonna go, you're car isn't big enough for all of us" says Michelle.

"I have a Cargo Van, it can fit all of us and I can drive us to the One Direction concert" says Stanley.

"Awesome, this is gonna be great" Stuart grinned in excitement.

"I know, I wish the weekend would hurry up and arrive" says Emma.

"Me to" says Jasmine.

After a while, it was time to go to class sadly.


Narrator pov

Hours went by and it was time to go home, but instead of going home Y/n was invited to hangout at Stuart's house.


Y/n pov

After we arrived to Stuart's house, we got to work on our homework for music class.

"Thanks again for helping me with our homework for music class" Stuart smiled.

"No problem Stuart, it's what friends are for" I smiled.


Stuart pov

I blushed when Y/n smiled at me. It was so beautiful.

"I'm sure one day, I'll be able to tell you my feelings" I thought to myself.

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