Chapter 37

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Y/n pov

After school was over for the day, me and my friends were heading to Emma's house.


Emma pov

I was laying in my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks, I didn't know how I was gonna face Michelle again.

But then, I heard a knock at the door.

"Emma dear, you're friends are here to see you" mom announced.

I was surprised but I asked her to send them in.

When they walked in, I was shocked to see Michelle.

"Hey Emma, we came to check on you" says Y/n.

"Thanks guys, but I'm fine" I lied.

"Emma, can we talk?" Michelle asks while taking a seat next to me on the bed.

I nodded but didn't look at her.

"Hey guys, can me and Emma talk alone for a minute?" Michelle asks.

"Yeah, take your time" says Chelsea.

After everyone walked out, I still didn't look at Michelle.

"Emma, please look at me" Michelle begged.

I slowly looked up at her nervously.

"Emma, you didn't give me a chance to answer your question about the dance"

"But you like guys"

"How do you know?"

I was about to answer, but I thought about her question and realized that I don't know if she does or not, I wanted to facepalm since I jumped to conclusions.

"You're right, I don't know" I say in embarrassment.

"Anyway, my answer is yes"

I was shocked.

"Wait, you mean it?' I ask in a speechless tone.

"Yes, the truth is...I'm gay to"

I was more shocked then ever.

"You are?"

Michelle nodded while smiling.

" really want to go to the dance with me?"


I finally smiled.


Y/n pov

After me and the others waited for a while, Michelle and Emma walked in the living room and told us the news. I was so excited for them.


Narrator pov

Days went by and Y/n, Jasmine, Lila, Michelle, Chelsea, and Emma went dress shopping.


Y/n pov

We tried on all different kinds of dresses, and finally I found the perfect dress to wear. It was (favorite color) with (flowers, polka dots, strips, and jewelry) on it.

Since Emma and Michelle were going together, they couldn't see each other's dresses since they wanted to be surprised.


Stuart pov

Me, Michael, Andy, and Stanley went to find some tuxedos for the dance.

After a while, we all found perfect tuxedos to wear.

I plan on asking Y/n to be my girlfriend, I hope she said yes.


Narrator pov

The night for the dance finally arrived, right now Y/n was waiting for Stuart to arrive.


Y/n pov

Long was taking pictures of me since I looked so beautiful.

"I hope you have a great time tonight dear" mom smiled.

"Thanks mom, I'll be sure to tell you everything when I get back"

"I'm looking forward to it"

Their was a knock at the door, mom opened it and it was Stuart. I was amazed at how handsome he looked.


Stuart pov

I was speechless when I saw Y/n, she looked like a princess.

"Y/n, you looking beautiful" I comment while blushing.

"Thank you" Y/n smiled.


Y/n pov

After mom took a picture of us, we got into Stuart's car and headed to the dance. We we're gonna meet up with the others.

High school love story 2dxreaderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें