Chapter 19

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Y/n pov

I was done with making the lasagna, so we all sat at the table.

"This looks delicious" Chelsea says while licking her lips.

"I hope you like it" I say.

So when we began to eat, I saw Chelsea eyes lite up when she took her first bite.

", this is amazing" Chelsea says with a big smile.

"I'm glad you like it" I say while smiling.

"Um...Chelsea" says mom.

Chelsea looks at mom in curiosity.

"Yes?" Chelsea asks.

"I can't help but ask you this, so what did you mean earlier when you said you're parents are never home?" mom asks.

"Oh, they're both business workers so their always working and traveling" Chelsea answers while frowning.

"Oh" mom says in surprise.

"Yeah" Chelsea nodded sadly.

"Hey Chelsea, you don't have to answer this question but when was the last time you saw your parents?" I ask.

"It's almost been a year" Chelsea answered while frowning.

"Do they ever call you?" mom asks in concern.

"Yeah they do, once in a while" says Chelsea.

"Who takes care of you dear?" mom asks in worry.

"I take care of myself, but I do have my grandparents to go to whenever I need someone, they live on the other side of town so I walk their or sometimes they come visit me" Chelsea answered.

"But...I do miss my mom and dad very much" Chelsea continued with tears forming in her eyes.

I placed my hand on her shoulder while I had a frown on my face.

I felt so bad for Chelsea and I can tell that my mom does to.

"Chelsea dear, if you ever need someone to come to you're always welcomed here" mom says with a soft smile.

I nodded in agreement while smiling.

"Thank you very much" Chelsea says in gratefulness.

"Hey mom, can Chelsea stay over tonight?" I ask.

"Of course she can" mom says while smiling.

"Really, thank you" Chelsea says in excitement.


Narrator pov

After they all got done eating, Y/n and Chelsea went to Y/n's bedroom.


Y/n pov

"You're mom is really nice" Chelsea says while smiling.

"I'm glad you like her" I say with a big smile.

"Well, we better get some sleep since we got school tomorrow" I suggested.

"Good idea" Chelsea nodded.

I turned off my lamp and we both went to sleep.


Narrator pov

They next day, Y/n and Chelsea walked to school together.


Y/n pov

When we arrived to school, we saw Stuart and the others waiting for us.

"Hey guys" I say while waving.

"Hey love, hi Chelsea" Stuart greeted while smiling.

"Hi guys" the others greeted with smiles on all of their faces.

"Ready for today?" I ask.

"Unfortunately yes" Michelle says while pouting.

We all started laughing and headed inside the school building.

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