Chapter 20

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Y/n pov

A couple hours went by and right now, I was in social studies with Lila.

We just got done taking notes and we're waiting for the bell to ring.

After I put all my stuff away, I turned to Lila and noticed that she was looking at something from across the room.

"Lila, you ok?" I ask in worry.

I didn't know that she was in deep thought because when I tried to get her attention, she jumped a little.

"Huh...oh sorry Y/n, what did you say?" Lila asks while shaking her head.

"I just asked if you were ok" I answered.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine" Lila says while continuing to look at the same direction as she was before.

I followed her eyes and saw a guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing black glasses.

I followed her eyes and saw a guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing black glasses

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I leaned close to Lila's ear.

"Are you looking at that guy?" I asked while whispering.

Her face suddenly turned red as a tomato, then she looked at me and nodded.

"Who is he?" I asked in a whispering tone.

"His name is Andy" Lila answered quietly.

"Do you know him?" I asked quietly.

"Well we're not friends, but we do talk once in a while" Lila explained.

"He's just so handsome and smart" Lila continued while sighing dreamily.

"How long have liked him?" I ask in curiosity.

"Since middle school" Lila answered.

"Oh wow" I say in surprise.

"You see, I've liked him ever since the day he saved me" Lila explained while smiling.

"Saved you?" I ask in confusion.

"I'll tell you when we're with the others, because I would like to tell them about my crush" Lila says while smiling and blushing.

"Ok, thanks fine" I nodded while smiling back.

Finally, the bell rang and we were able to leave.


Narrator pov

After they all met up in front of the cafeteria, they got their food and sat at their table.


Y/n pov

"So Lila, what did you mean by when Andy saved your life?" I ask in curiosity.

"Who's Andy?" Stuart asks in confusion.

"He's the guy I have a crush on" Lila answered while blushing.

"Awwwwwww, you have a crush on him how cute" Michelle says while squealing in excitement.

"Does he like you back?" Chelsea asks in desperate.

"I don't think so, we don't talk all the time" Lila says while frowning.

"So how do you have a crush on him if you haven't talked to him?" Michael asks in confusion.

"Well, we do talk to each other once in a while" Lila explained.

"So, how did this crush on him happen?" Michael asks in curiosity.

"Yeah, I'm curious as well" says Jasmine.

"Well, it started like this" Lila says while getting ready to tell the story.


Narrator pov

*Flashback from Lila when she was in middle school*

Lila was walking across the street but while she was in the middle of the road, suddenly she sees a huge truck coming towards her and it was going super fast.

Lila gasped in horror and closed her eyes because she was scared to death.

But then suddenly, she was pushed out of the way and the truck just zoomed past.

Lila opened her eyes and she saw a guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing black glasses on the ground next to her.

"Hey, are you ok?" the boy asks worryingly.

"...Yeah...thank you so saved my life" Lila says in a speechless tone.

"I'm so glad you're alright" they boy says with a relief smile on his face.

The boy stood up and helped Lila up as well.

"Thank you so much um..." Lila says while trying to know his name.

"My name is Andy" the boy says in a introducing tone.

"Thank you Andy, my name is Lila" Lila says while smiling and blushing.

"Nice to meet you Lila, again I'm glad you're alright" Andy says in a relief tone.

"Thanks" says Lila.

"Well, I should be getting home" Lila continued while getting ready to leave.

"Alright, see you around" Andy says while walking away.

*End of flashback*


Y/n pov

"And that's how I liked him ever since" Lila finished while blushing even more.

"Wow, what he did was so brave" Jasmine says in a speechless tone.

"Yeah I know" Lila nodded.

"You should get to know him" Chelsea suggested.

"I can't you guys" Lila says while frowning.

"Why not?" Stuart asks in confusion.

"Because, what if he doesn't like me if he got to know me" Lila says in a sad tone.

"I'm sure he would" I say with a reassure smile.

"You're just saying that to be nice" says Lila.

"No, I mean it" I say.

"Y/n's right, you need to have more faith in yourself" says Stuart.

"If you like Andy, then go for it" Michelle says in encouragement.

"And we'll be their to help you" says Michael.

Lila finally smiled.

"Thanks guys" Lila says with a grateful smile.

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