Chapter 4

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Narrator pov

After a while of eating and talking, lunch was finally over.


Y/n pov

"Aw, lunch is over" Michelle says while complaining.

"What class do you all have next?" I ask in curiosity.

To my surprise, they all said gym.

"Awesome, we all have gym" Stuart says with a grin.

"Well, what are we waiting for let's go" Lila says in excitement.

"Yeah" we all say.

So, we headed to gym.

And we got to gym, the teacher made us run around the gym but me and my new friends had an awesome time, we kept trying to race each other.

Finally, after gym it was time for me to go to art class.

Luckily, Jasmine was in the same class with me.

After we went our separate ways, Jasmine and I headed to art class.

"This is gonna be my favorite class" Jasmine says while giggling.

"Not surprised you would say that" I say while chuckling.

Art was gonna be an easy class for us, since all were gonna do is draw.

After art class was over, I had only one class left and it was music.

Sadly, Jasmine didn't have music class with me so we had to go our separate ways.

When I arrived to my music class, I saw Stuart.

He gestured me to come sit with him and I did.

The teacher is teaching us how to play a piano, Stuart and I enjoyed it while other students just had boredom expressions on their faces.

After a while, it was finally time to go home.

We met up with the others.

"So Y/n, when you told us about you just moving here we were wondering if you want us to take you on a tour" Michelle suggested.

"Yeah, I would like to see how different London is from my hometown" I say.

"Alright, let's go" Lila says in excitement.

After we got out of the school, my new friends showed me alot of buildings and places, I think I like London better then my hometown.

After a while, I got a text from my mom saying  that she was home from work and wanted me home.

"Oh, my mom just texted she wants me to come home" I say while looking at my phone.

"Want us to walk you home love?" Stuart asks.

"You all don't have to, I don't want your parents to worry about you guys" I say.

"Nah, and besides we would like to meet your mom" Michelle says with a big smile.

"Well alright, let's go" I say while smiling.


Narrator pov

After a while of walking, they arrived to Y/n's house and saw her mom standing on the porch.


Y/n pov

"Hi mom" I say while waving.

"Hi honey" mom says with a soft smile.

Then she saw my friends.

"And who are these kids?" mom asks in curiosity.

"Mom, I like you to meet all my new friends" I say with a big smile.

"This is Stuart, Jasmine, Lila, Michelle, and Michael" I say while gesturing to them.

"And everyone, this is my mom (Your mom's name) I say while gesturing to mom.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am" Stuart says with a friendly smile.

"Hello" Jasmine says while waving.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Lila says in excitement.

"Hello, nice to meet you" Michelle says with a huge grin.

"Welcome to London, nice to meet you" Michael says while smiling.

"It's so nice to meet you all" mom says with a friendly smile.

"Well love, we'll see you tomorrow" Stuart says while waving.

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow" I say with a huge smile.

After they all left, I told mom about my day at school and she was very happy.

"I'm so happy for you dear, I told you things would be fine" mom says in happiness.

"You were right mom" I say while nodding.

After we had dinner, I got ready for bed.

While I was putting my nightgown on, I saw a picture of me with Megan, Jessie, and Molly.

I glared at the picture.

"Those girls are my past now, I'm happy that we're not friends anymore and I got better friends" I say.

Then I took the picture and threw it in the trash can.

After that, I got into bed and fell asleep.

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