(Venti) Just a small thought...

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A soft melodious tune enveloped the pair in a calming way as they held each other, both content in their own world. [Y/n] didn't pay much mind to the words that left her lover's lips, but instead she listened to his mellow tune. The oak tree behind her supported her as she sat on the blades of grass, one of her legs laying on one of the over-grown roots. Her lover, Venti, had laid his head on her chest, loosely hooked his arms around her body while she wrapped one arm around his back, her other hand played with his braids. She didn't plan on sleeping but the humming seemed to slowly lull her into a slumber. Venti chuckled, noticing her actions became drowsier.

"What melody shall I play for you to fall into a peaceful slumber, my Celica flower?" 

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