Chapter 26

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The ring ♡☆♡

The next three months pass by quickly. Me and Ares have been getting really close lately, I'm still in Greece with Nonno and my Uncle's, because they think it's not safe for me to return to Italy. So with him living here he's always around.

Nonna has been to visit a few times, thankfully not bringing Micha with her.

For the first couple of weeks after I moved here, Micha became a real problem. Especially after photos of me and Ares together got out.

Ares is CEO of his own company and is pretty famous here in Greece. Him publicly dating me is really big news for the media, so they follow us whenever we go out in dates.

Micha constantly called and left me voice mails, to the point of me having to change my number. Antonio and Ivan wanted to intervene over it, but I asked them not to. Them doing that would be giving him the attention he so obviously wants.

Ares wasn't happy either, he was annoyed over Micha's persistence and got jealous quickly.

I'd assured him I only wanted him, not Micha, and he seemed to believe me.

I haven't been back to college, or attempted to get a job yet because it's been deemed too unsafe yer. So I've been basically under house arrest completely bored; that's one of the reasons I've been spending so much time with Ares, plus he's very good company!

Warren had returned back to Italy after the first month, leaving me upset. But with his Father's death still so new, his Mom didn't want him too far away from her. Antonio arranged for him to move back and to still attend college; catching up where where he should haven been already.

So with Warren gone it's just been me, my Uncle's and the guards around the house, while Nonno and Alicia have gone on holiday to the Maldives. I couldn't believe it when Nonno told me they usually spend most of the summer there at their beach house; I mean wow, how rich are my family?

Antonio and Ivan have been working from Nonno's office catching up on 'work stuff ' Xeres on the other hand doesn't seem to care very munch about his company, bragging that his right hand man Damien, runs it smoothly for him.

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