Chapter 54

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The next few days are really quiet and everyone seems to be busy, or they just don't stay in the house much. Leaving me alone with the girls.

Dad and Ivan have been really busy at work with it being nearly Christmas so they've been doing overtime at their offices.
Xeres hasn't been all that bothered with work though, he's just been out if the house a lot and that's all I know. He refused to tell me what he's been up to and it's frustrating me - but I suppose this time I'll just have to wait until he tells me.

Maddox has been around, but something has changed and it's scaring me. He's still affectionate to me, just not as much as normal and it's bugging me.
I've asked him if anything is wrong and he says there isn't he's just tired. But I don't believe him anymore.

I've started feeding the girls solid food now and let me tell you this was an eye -opening experience. Getting baby rice in your hair is never a good thing, the girls seemed to find it hilarious - me not so much, but seeing them laughing and happy is worth an extra shower.
They've grown way too fast these last few months and I know soon they'll be crawling.

I've been shopping online like mad these last few weeks buying them both Christmas presents and I'm hoping to make their first Christmases perfect.

Dad has promised me he'll help me put the tree up later in the lounge and I'm really looking forward to it, it may seem a little early to put it up with Thanksgiving in two days time but I want it up and the guys agreed.

Nonno and Alicia are arriving tomorrow and I couldn't wait to see them again. I'd missed them so much.
They were staying here at the house with us and I'd made up one of the spare bedrooms already prepared for their arrival.

Nonna is going to try visit nearer to Christmas day to see us all and bring the girls presents. I'd offered to her that she could come stay too, but she hadn't wanted to be away from Italy too long.

Warren was going to go home when Nonno and Alicia arrived and I was going to miss having him around, he's kept me company while everyone's been busy and now even he's going.

Tonight I'm all by myself too, the guys have all taken Warren drinking in town for his last night here - they'd asked me to go too, but I wasn't comfortable leaving the girls so I'd said no.

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