24 | the f a l l e n

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| Z O Y A |

     DAYS LATER, Zoya was back on campus. She spoke to Caden throughout her entire stay in Florida, and though she enjoyed time with her family, she missed being around him.

Consequently, she decided she'd surprise him at work. Entering Sugarz, the bell rang over her head and both Caden and Ryder graced her with grins.

"Stalker!" Ryder exclaimed, making patrons curiously glance at him.

Caden's grin widened when Zoya took a seat at the counter. "You're back."

"Surprise!" she said with a smile. "I know you would've died from boredom without me."

"I always have someone to entertain me," Ryder said, making Caden scoff.

Zoya smirked from amusement. She never knew Ryder was gay until recently. She was on the phone with Caden while Ryder was swooning about a guy he was talking to.

"Do you want the usual?" Caden tore her from her thoughts. Zoya nodded and he got to work. "More caramel?" he playfully asked while serving her a free pastry.


Smirking, Caden made some final touches to the drink before carefully placing it before her. Zoya smiled when she saw a 'Z' etched in the foam.

"Aww. It's pretty," she cooed, not wanting to drink it and ruin the masterpiece.

"Like you."

Zoya's heart skipped a beat and she almost squealed. She was a blushing mess, she couldn't hold his hot gaze anymore. Looking away, she muttered a thank you before taking a sip and moaning in appreciation.

She sensed him smirk before walking away. Zoya could barely contain her smile and how giddy she felt on the inside.

Caden thinks I'm pretty!

They chatted away for the entire shift and Zoya felt brand new. Their easy going conversations and endless jokes had her rethinking her crush on him.

I don't want to fall for him and ruin our friendship.

But she couldn't help it.

She'd already fallen.


     ZOYA WAS HOLDING a small container of donuts while Caden walked her to her dorm. Approaching the nearby park, she froze and her eyes widened upon seeing a familiar face.

"What is it?" Caden asked, placing a hand on her lower back.

Zoya felt a chill. It was small actions like these that made her want to surrender to her feelings.

She cleared her throat, quickly pulling Caden and herself out of view. "I'm not ready to head back."

"I know somewhere we can go," Caden suggested.

"Okay," Zoya answered, blindly trusting him. With each step further away from the park, her heartrate went back to normal.

Until they were sitting beneath a bridge where a group of boys were skating and her unease took control.

"Don't worry about them," Caden said, drawing nearer to her like a protector. "Kids from the three hang here all the time."

Nodding, she felt a chill that made her rub her shoulders.

Without hesitation, Caden took his jacket off and wrapped it around her.

"You need your jacket," she said, trying to take it off.

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