chapter 14

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i saw Spike and Nella drive off. they shouldn't be too realxed. i haven't givven up yet. i brought my phone out and dialled a number


"hey, remember me?" there was a pause but i know he remembers me.

"i want you to do something for me. and i'll make sure you gain something or someone from helping me."

then i ended our conversation. that girl thinks she has Spike all to herself? she better think again cause i'll make sure i get Spike back no matter what it takes. i'm not like Samantha. i don't give up on what i want that easily and i have all the resources to make sure that i get what i want.\

Chapter 14

Spike's POV

Nella was still mad at me even when we arrived at the reception hall. she was looking at everything else except me and it's kinda putting me on edge. i was just joking why does she have to be so difficult. *sigh*

"Babe, don't be mad. im really sorry.. i can't stand it when you're mad at me.." i wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and place my chin on her shoulders. "if it will make you forgive me i'll let you drive whenever you want"


"yeah i promise. just stop being mad at me.." she spun around with a smile on her face and i knew she was just playing with me all this time to trick me to let her drive.

"i love you spikey!" she kissed me and all was forgotten. we heard someone clear their throat and we stopped kissing to see that her mom was smiling at us. Nella blushed and face her mom. i kept my arms around her waist.

"so here's the reception hall that i reserved. isn't it just lovely dear?"

"yes mom it's divine" Nella said she was smiling at how excited her mom was about the wedding. she was also thankful that she didn't have to prepare all these and be stressed. all she had to do was look for a salon to do her hair and makeup and to pick a gown.

"babe since we're not needed here, how about we go home and rest?"

"yeah sounds good to me babe" then she got to her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek.

"i really could get used to this." i leaned in her ear and whispered "i can't wait till you're all mine and i can kiss you whenever i want"

Nella's POV

i really love this guy, he is so sweet! we got to the parking lot of the hotel and he hand me the keys.

"it's ok babe, you drive. i have more fun when i distract you while driving" i smirked at him and he just rolled his eyes and got in the car. while we were pulling out of the parking lot i saw a girl in a red convertible looking at us. i recognize her from somewhere but i just can't remember where. oh well.

"babe, do you want to eat out later or do you want to stay home and order?" spike asked me without taking his eyes off the road.

"i'd rather stay home tonight. will you cook for me?" i asked in my sweetest voice. he looked at me and i gave him my best puppy dog eyes. he just laughed and nodded. i hugged him then continue on looking at him and smiling at how handsome my Spikey is.

yes my spikey. he is all mine and i am his. i don't think i've ever been so in love. back then i thought that i love jake but now i realize that i didn't love him. i was just so in love with the thought that i have the best guy in school but now i realize that he wasn't the best guy after all. Spike is the best guy and i know he will always be the one for me.

Unknown POV

"hello Jake. i haven't seen you for awhile."

"hello Melissa. i know what this is about and i can tell you that i don't want to participate in this game you're playing."

"well i'm sorry to tell you this, but you will help me. or i will take care of Nella and i'll make sure you don't see her ever again."

"you wouldn't. if you dare touch her i will-"

"you can't do anything to me Jake. You're the reason Nella took Spike form me. if you hadn't cheated on her she wouldn't be here with Spike. so do not threaten me. i can make her go away with just a snap of my finger if you don't help me."

"what do you want me to do?"

"i want you to befriend her and make her think you have given up on her. Spike has to get jealous and she has to defend you. they have to break up."

"why can't you just go to Spike? you are his first girl and i know you didn't break up well."

"i can't just ask him to take me back when i told him to break up with me cause i don't love him anymore. that's nothow it works. he doesn't act like that."

"so you got this all planned huh?"

"yes. and i already did the fisrt part. i already showed myself to Nella. and i know she'll remember me."

Spike's POV

i made lasagna for dinner since Nella gave me those puppy dog eyes that i just can't resist. she just knows how to make me do what she wants. it scares me sometime but i realize that she's worth all my effort and time and i love her so it doesn't matter.

"babe!" she shouted from the bathroom and i ran toward the door to see her standing on top of the toilet seat.

"kill the bug!!! faster!" she shouted and she was so terrified and i could see that she was going to faint of i don't kill the bug.

"it's just a small beatle babe." i scooped the bug with a small dust pan and opened the window and released it. she slowly got down form the toilet seat and sat on it.

"that bug almost made me faint!" she sighed and looked at me. she stood up and hugged me burrying her face in my chest

"what would i do without you?" she said while burrying her head deeper. i wrapped my arms around her and hug her back

"let's not find out shall we. i never want to let you go and nothing can ever make me leave you." i kissed the top of her head and guided her to the dinning table and ate our dinner. i love this girl so much. i don't think i can live without her anymore.


so since i love my fans i decided to upload :) sorry it's been this long :) please continue reading and voting and commenting :) i really love the comments :D


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