Chapter 31

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So here is the last chapter of Hey! And i would just like to tell you guys how thankful i am for all the support you have given my story and don't worry i'll upload the epilogue soon! Enjoy!


Chapter 31

it's been 2 months and Spike has been discharged from the hospital 2 weeks after he woke up, but there still hasn't been any progress with Jake. He's still in a coma and the doctors are starting to lose hope. I had times when I felt the same but I want Jake to wake up and I just can't live my life knowing he just never woke up. Spike and I went to work and finished our project with the hotel and Mr. Ports gave us a few months off saying that we've been through a lot and that we deserve a break. He decided to oversee the completion of the hotel himself and told us to be back at work after a month.

Everyday after work we would go to the hospital and look at Jake's progress, everyday, I see the same thing. It's breaking my heart seeing him like this but I can't do anything.

“Jake, can you here me?” no answer, not even a single movement of his finger. Not even a deep breath. None.

“Jakey, please wake up. I don't like seeing you like this and knowing that it's because of me makes it harder.” I started to cry

“please Jake, please don't do this to me.” I placed his hands between mine and placed my head on top of them.

“i want you to wake up Jake, I need you to wake up. Please, I can't live without you.” I cried harder then I felt it. The movement of his pinky. After 2 long antagonizing months, he moved.

“Jake, do you here me? Move your pinky once if you yes.” at first there wasn't any movement but then I saw it. It moved. Then slowly, I saw him trying to open his eyes. He was trying so hard then after a few tries he opened them.

“oh my god, oh my god! Wait! I'll go call the doctors!” I ran to the nurse's station and told them that Jake was finally awake. The nurse there immediately called the doctor then next thing I know there were so many of them inside his room looking at his progress.

“so how is he doc?” I looked at Jake from the outside of the room.

“he's ok. We will run tests on him tomorrow to make sure that everything is working properly. Make sure he gets enough rest, I know he has been asleep for a long time but I assure you he still needs rest.” he smiled at me and I just nodded and smiled back. I was so happy that when I went back to his room when the doctors all left, I immediately ran to him and hugged him.

He let out a woosh of air then hugged me back.

“You scared me.. I thought you left me, I was starting to think you would never wake up.” I was now crying with all the happiness I felt.

“ssshhhh, it's ok Nell, I'm ok now, I have been trying to move but I can't so I stayed motionless, but don't worry I'm awake now.” Spike came running inside the room. I called him right after I called for the doctors.

“JM! Shit man! You've been asleep for too long! I thought I had to look for a princes to f*cking kiss you!” Jake laughed at Spike's teasing his wound has completely healed and there was no more scar.

“i'm glad you're ok man.” Spike walked to his bed and lightly tap his arms.

“i'm glad i'm ok too.” Jake said happily. That night, everyone came to the hospital to see how he was. Danny was the most surprising of all, when she came she immediately smack Jake behind the head then cried. She was telling him how worried she was that he didn't wake up and that she was so going to kill him when he gets better. Jake just laughed and hugged his best friend. Deb got Jake fruits and made sure that he eats them.

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