Chapter 25

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hey guys! thank you for all the feed back! yes i think Melissa is such a witch but what can we do? someone has to be a villain :) and i think some of us does this things, not like her ofcours with the kidnapping and drugs and lies but we do ways to keep the one we love with us XD i'm not talking base on experience i promise XD anyway, ENJOY reading!!! :D


Chapter 25

Nella’s POV

Today we officially start the project and I want to make sure everything goes smoothly so I woke up early and left a note for Jake. As I was walking out of our building I saw Melissa leaning on her car. She looked at me and smiled.

“Nell, we have to talk. I have something to tell you.” She looked so serious, so I just nodded and led her to the café.

“Promise me, you won’t freak out and do anything drastic ok?” I nodded and egged her to continue.

“You see the resemblance between Spike and John, don’t you?” I nodded again.

“The thing is, John lost his memory in an accident. I saw him in the hospital and I thought of the same thing. Maybe he was Spike, but when I approached him, he didn’t remember anything. Not even his name. So I wanted to know more so I told his doctors his name was John Dalton.”

She paused for a while looking at me. I just nodded my head and she sighed and continued.

“I went to his doctor and asked what happened but she only told me that he was brought in by the paramedics because someone called 911. We went to see John and he asked me if I knew him. But I wasn’t sure then that he was Spike so I didn’t say yes. I told him he might be someone I know. But to cut the story short I have been taking care of him and until recently I found out that he IS Spike. I’m sorry to tell you this Nella but I don’t want to lose him. I may sound selfish but all this time I thought he was another person and I fell in love with him. Please don’t take him away from me.”

She cried and I just stared at her with tears in my eyes. All this years she has Spike and I was made to believe he was dead. I cried countless times and now she tells me she loves him and I shouldn’t take him away?

“No. I will take what is mine back.” I stood up and walked to the door without looking back. I walked to my car and drove to the office. I have to tell Spike everything. I don’t care if Melissa loves him. He was supposed to be mine and he is still mine.

“Good morning, Nell. What’s wrong? Your eyes are red and puffy. Have you been crying?” Maggie asked me while I was approaching her. I just gave her a weak smile and she understood that I don’t want to talk about it right now. She nodded and handed me a post-it. It read:



I crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash bin inside my office. I sat down and looked at the clock. It was 8:23. I still have to compose myself. I took out my powder and fixed my makeup. I had to look presentable and make sure to think this through before I talk to him about this.

At 9 sharp I was at the conference room looking through all the sketches and things we need. I was sipping my coffee when Spike walked in. He didn’t look at me and continued to the seat at the other end of the table.

“Morning Ms. Moore. I called in all the heads of the group they should be arriving shortly. We have to start working on the project so that we can finish and continue on doing other important things.” I nodded but he didn’t see it because he was looking at his laptop.

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