Chapter 15

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"what would i do without you?" she said while burying her head deeper. i wrapped my arms around her and hug her back

"let's not find out shall we. i never want to let you go and nothing can ever make me leave you." i kissed the top of her head and guided her to the dining table and ate our dinner. i love this girl so much. i don't think i can live without her anymore.

Chapter 15

Nella’s POV

We walked out of the bathroom and I smelled something delicious… lasagna! He actually made lasagna for me! I turned around and hugged him. He was taken by surprise but quickly recovered and hugged me back.

“Wow! You really made lasagna for me?”

“yup” he said while popping the ‘p’. “you wanted to eat lasagna so I made you lasagna. That’s what good boyfriends do” he said obviously proud of himself.

“aww.. babe! I love you so much!” I hugged him tighter then kissed him on the lips.

“I love you too babe!” he said after we kiss. He held my hand and walked with me to the kitchen. We ate the lasagna which I will tell you tasted so heavenly. He was such a good cook and I can see us after getting married. I wouldn’t have to cook and he would do all the cooking. The thought made me laugh and he looked at me confusion written in his face.

“what’s so funny? Do I have something on my face?” he started whipping his face with a paper napkin. I laughed some more before reaching for his hand.

“no babe, I was just thinking how funny it will be after we got married. I won’t cook and you’ll do all the cooking.” He laughed at that and held my hand.

“I can cook if you want me to babe.” Then he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. He is just so romantic! I can’t believe he’s actually mine forever after just 1 week.

We ate the rest of the lasagna that he made and he helped me wash the dishes. After washing the dishes we sat at the couch and watched tv. I was seated beside him and my head was rested on his chest. i really felt comfortable with him here beside me. I felt like we belong together and no one can ever take him from me.

“babe, where do you want to go for our honeymoon?” he asked out of nowhere. I looked at him then moved so that I was facing him.

“well, now that you asked, I was thinking of going to the Mediterranean where we can just relax on the beach and go snorkeling and other things. What about you?”

“well I was thinking of the same thing. I’m totally looking forward to seeing you in a bikini and walking with me on the beach and the guys would all be so pissed cause I got the hottest girl there.” He leaned forward and kissed me sweetly on the lips. He was just so cute and romantic. I blushed after we kissed and he smirked.

“if that’s all it take to make you blush, I’ll go search the internet for more sweet things to say to you. You look so adorable when you blush” he laughed and went to the computer table and turned on his laptop. I walked over to him and he was searching online on where we should go.

We found a site where they made a list of top 10 Mediterranean beach towns and I really loved all of them and they are really good when it comes to picking the place cause the number 1 place was really beautiful. it’s in Italy there’s this hotel that is on the hillside. I can’t explain how beautiful it was but when I saw it told Spike that  this is where I want to go for our honeymoon.

“are you sure babe? I can still look for other islands or resorts if you want”

“I love this one and we’re going to go there. Didn’t you see the beautiful view and the nice hotel? Please babe, I want to stay there.” I gave him the cutest face I can master. He just sighed and smiled at me. I know he likes the place too but I think he just wants to look for a more romantic and intimate place. That place is intimate enough for me even if a lot of rich people would probably go there.

“I love you” he told me when he stood up from his chair and hugged me.

“I love you too” I said while I rested my head on his chest and listened to the beat of his heart.

“let’s go to bed” I nodded then I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

“I don’t feel like walking” I gave him a sheepish smile. He just chuckled and place his hands on my ass and walked to our room. He sat on the bed and I was sitting on him now. I gave him a kiss on the lips then got up and lay on the bed. He lay down beside me and I snuggled closer to him. I placed my head on his chest and inhaled his smell. I fell asleep right after.

when i woke up i heard people talking in the living room. when i got there i saw my mom and Spike talking. my mom was visibly excited about something and Spike has his laptop in front of him and showing my mom something.

"good morning guys" i said as i was walking towards my mom and Spike. i gave Spike a kiss on the lips and i smiled at my mom who obviously thought that what i did was so sweet.

"well, what do you want for breakfast sweety? i brought with me some bagels with cream cheese or do you want some grilled chicken salad?" my mom asked

"i'll have the salad mom" i smiled at her and took the salad from her hands. Spike took the bagels and ate it while he was doing something with his laptop.

"so what were you guys talking about?" i asked and i saw spike stiffen looked at my mom.

"well honey, we have a good news and a bad news. which one do you want to hear first?"

"i think i'd like to here the bad news first."

"well the thing is, we went to the site of the hotel where you want to have you're honeymoon and found out that they are booked for the next 3 months so that means it won't be possible for you to spend you're honeymoon there." i looked at my mom with my mouth open and she gave me a sad smile. then i looked at spike who was obviously sad because he couldn't give me what i want.

"it's ok mom. maybe there are other romantic places that we can find." i told them. even though i was a little disappointed, i don't want spike sad just because of this.

"so have you found any other place?" i asked spike and he looked at me with a smile on his face and he was really excited to show me.

"well i found this place at the same site we went to last night and i think you'll love it here." i looked at the place and it was so romantic and intimate. it was an island resort in Thailand. the island is very intimate and only one couple can occupy that place.

"i called the resort and they said that our dates are free so i booked a 1 week stay." i jumped out of my chair and hugged spike. it was so beautiful and it is more intimate than going to italy with other tourist.

" i love you!"i hugged him tighter then i heard the doorbell. i came to the intercome to see who it was and i saw the same girl i saw yesterday at the parking lot.

"is Spike there?" the girl said. i opened the door and Spike was right behind me. when he saw who it was he stopped and stared at the stunning girl in front of me


"hey Spikey, i've missed you"


hope you guys liked it :)

isn't nella a little bit demanding and spoiled? haha

thanks for reading :D don't forget to comment and vote :D

<3 Leslie

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