Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

“John, you look pale I think I better take you to the doctor.” She was panicking and I just looked at her. I nodded and she led me to the car.

“What happened? Why do you look so pale? Did you eat anything bad today?” she continued talking while she led me to her car.

“Do you have medications that you need to take? Do you have allergies?” she looked frantic and all I can do was stare at her.

“John! Talk to me!” she shouted and that got me to come back to my senses.

“I’m okay Nella.”

“What were you doing in my office?” she asked while we were driving to the hospital.

“I went back cause I forgot my phone and keys, then when I got there I see you all pale. I thought something bad might have happened to you!” she was still panicking and I just chuckled. The car stopped at the intersection and she looked at me.

“Why the hell are you laughing? Is it that funny? I’m not finding this situation funny John!” when she called me John, I stopped chuckling and looked at her.

“Nell, I think we should go back. I’m okay now. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“No, I’ll feel more at ease when we go see the doctor and he tells me that you’re okay.”


“Shut it John!” I stopped talking and she just smiled in victory and we drove to the hospital. The nurses took my blood pressure then the doctor came.

“So John, tell me what happened before Ms. Moore found you?”

“Well, I was looking at her keychain then I suddenly felt my head pounding.”

“Have you ever been in a car crash or momentary memory loss?”

“I lost my memories 4 years ago. I was in a car crash then my then girlfriend found me.”

“Are you telling me that your memory hasn’t returned in 4 years?”

“yeah, but tonight while I was looking at that keychain I started to remember things bit by bit. It’s like flash backs and I hear this girl but I can’t seem to identify the face. It was a blur but her voice wasn’t my girlfriend’s voice.”

“John, are you done?” that voice. It was the same as the voice in my memory.

“Dr. Horton, thank you for coming.”

“It’s my job to be here Nell.”

‘Nell? That voice belongs to Nella?’ I asked myself then spun around to see that Dr. Horton was indeed talking to Nella. Then I placed her face in all the memories I’ve been having this past few days and it all came back to me. Melissa lied to me. My name isn’t John Dalton, it’s Spike Parker. I’ve been living a lie!

“Mr. Dalton, I will request that you sign this papers and go to the laboratory to have your blood checked. I find it odd that you haven’t regained any memory after 4 years.”

“He lost his memory?” Nella asked in shock.

“Yes, I find it rather alarming that he hasn’t remembered anything yet.” Nella just looked at me shocked.

“Okay doc. I’ll just go there and submit this after.”

“okay I’ll leave you two alone and I’ll call Nella when your results come.”

“thank you doc.” Nella said even though I know she’s still in shock. She sat down on the bed side chair then looked at the floor.

“Nell, I have to tell you something.”

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