Chapter 9

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Sorry i made you wait guys i was just didn't know what to write next :))

well i still haven't decided on what to do with Jake and Nella so i still want comments about that :P


"we can't do this. we don't love each other and you're drunk. you're not in your right mind and i momentarily lost my mind too because i kissed you and i think this is all a mistake and..." he cut me off by kissing me again.

"you really know how to ruin the mood." he said while his lips were still on mine. i can feel him smile. it made me relax a little bit. he was sober enough to talk like this.

"well enough kissing. we should get you out of those wet clothes. you'll get sick if we don't."

i changed his clothes and led him to the bed. he go in and i was about to go but he grabbed my wrist.

"can you stay with me tonight?" spike asked. he was serious and i can't see any trace that he was going to do something stupid. so i just nodded and got in bed with him. i cuddled next to him. i was about to sleep when i heard Spike say something.

"i wish i could remember how we used to be.." he was clearly asleep.

"me too..." i said to his chest. he sighed and i fell asleep in his arms for the second time.

Chapter 9

i woke up in spike's bed again. this is starting to be a really bad habit. Spike was not there anymore. i started to stretch and shake off my sleepiness and start to get up. when i got to the kitchen, there was a note on the table and a plate of bacon and eggs.


Eat the breakfast i made for you. it's an apology and peace offering. butr i'm not saying that i won't bug you anymore.

Spike >:)

i can't help but smile at the note. he was offering me eggs and bacon in exchange for peace? for a day? he must be crazy! but i do find this craziness charming. he has his way of making me feel safe and special. not the same special that i felt for Jake but still it was special. i just can't pin point what yet.

i ate my breakfast and went to my room. i took a quick shower and wore my black jeggings and purple razor back, i partnered it with my silver ballet flats. i did my make up which is just lip gloss and eye liner.

as i was making sure that i have everything that i needed. my cellphone beeped and it was from Jake asking me what i have planned for the day. i felt a smile creep onto my face. i quickly replied.'

"what do you have in mind? :)"

i waited for a few seconds then he answered

"hmm.. i was planning to take you out to dinner. what do you say Nelly? :)"

"sure Jakey."

"what's your address? i'll pick you up at 8"

"1784 Glendon Ave. ok seeyah"

now i really have to go to the mall to shop! i was getting my keys at the counter when i heard the door open.

"hey" Spike said when he saw me.

"hey where did you go?" i asked curious.

"why miss me already?" he said with a smirk. yeah that peace offering was only good til he gets home

"ok don't answer me." i said why stomping out to the elevator. i got to the parking lot and got in my car. Spike is so not gonna ruin my mood today. i am going to have loads of fun. i said to myself while doing my breathing exercises.

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