Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Nella's POV

"hello Nella, long time no see"

"Carson? what are you doing here?" i was so shocked that he even knew where i was let alone where i lived. i hope Jake comes here as soon as possible cause i don't want to be alone with this man.

"i'm glad to see you too Nell." he said clearly amused by my lack of enthusiasm. well you can't blame me. he cheated on me and unlike Jake. Carson was not even with me that long.

"Carson what are you doing here? you can't stay long cause i have to go out and i was just waiting for my ride." i tried to tell him to get lost nicely and he seemed to know what i was doing because he smiled at me and he leaned on the door frame looking at me like i was so amusing.

"aww, Nella, is that a way to treat a guest? i was just driving by and i over heard Kim talk about you and i over heard where you lived. she was pretty sad and said that you could use some company since your fiance died." he said still smiling like he didn't just say that Spike died a few seconds ago.

Where the heck is Jake? i hope he arrives soon and i have to talk to the reception to tell them never to let Carson in the building again.

"So Nelly, how are you?" he asked walking past me to sit at the couch. he looked at my drawing and smiled.

"i can see that you are still drawing. i always loved your drawings and we even said that you make OUR house someday." he placed the emphasis on our. does he think that this will make me go back to him? he has some nerve.

"yes i pursue my passion for architechture and i don't think i will be designing any house that belongs to US. so i advice you to leave before i call security." i said while i was standing by the hall way with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

Carson just smiled and stood up. he walked towards me and chuckled. he held on to my chin.

"don't worry Nelly, i'll make sure you make a house for US. don't doubt that ever." he smiled at me and was leaning forward when i heard someone clear their throat.

"i don't think that will happen anytime soon." it was Jake and he was just in time. i slap Carson's hand away and ran beside Jake.

"Are you ok Nell?" Jake asked me when i was by his side. i was holding on to his arm. he didn't look at me. he was looking at Carson.

"yeah i'm ok."

"sorry i was late. traffic." then he placed right hand on my hands that were holding on to his arm and squeezed them reassuringly.

"and as for you. i advice you to leave. and if i ever see you here in my girlfriend's apartment again i will personally make sure that you don't return." he said in a very serious voice. i can see that he was giving death stares to Carson because i saw him swallow but he maintained his cool and smiled.

"i see you already found a replacement Nella. that was fast, i remember you sulking over me for at least 2 months and i was just a boyfriend. seems like Spike was not that special since you got to replace him in just 3 months. bye Nella." he smirked victoriously before leaving.

i slumped to the floor when he left. how can he say that to me? how can he tell me that Spike was not that important to me? Jake was only pretending so that he doesn't come back. Jake wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

"don't listen to him Nell. we both know how important Spike was to you. i can never replace him i know." he was rubbing soothing circles at my back. it made me relax. i sighed and hugged him back. he has been there for me these past few months and i think i wouldn't be able to be at least this normal without Jake.

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