Chapter 29

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sorry for the late upload guys! so here is chapter 29 i hope you enjoiy!


Chapter 29

Spike’s POV

The police all hid around the warehouse, making sure that Melissa won’t be able to escape. I placed one revolver under my coat. I wanted to be sure that they don’t just take the money and leave.

“Mr. Parker, make sure you don’t show them you are scared or in a hurry. Remember our go signal.” Detective Morgan said in my earpiece. I also have a lapel mic under my coat.

“got it.” I drove to the front of the warehouse and I saw the goons standing there. I parked and made sure that I left the car on so we can leave right away.

“Where is Melissa?” I asked the goons and they didn’t talk. They just smirked and looked at me. it got me so irritated.

“Hello, Spike.” Melissa said after she emerged from the warehouse. I looked behind her and saw nothing.

“don’t worry, Nella is not dead. Yet.” She laughed at my horrified expression walked towards me. she stopped right in front of me and started fixing my coat.

“You know this shouldn’t have happened if you just stayed with me. I wouldn’t have minded that Nella knew about our little secret.” She talked directly at the microphone.

“but don’t worry, I still have the drug that Jean gave me.” she was now walking away towards the 4 guys.

“Jordan, take the brief case.” Melissa ordered one of the men and a bulky guy walked to me and I handed him the brief case.

“I want to see Nella.” she just laughed and told the other guy to go back to the warehouse.

“you don’t get to tell me what to do Spike. I have your precious Nella remember?” we were now standing there and doing nothing, waiting for the guy to come out. After a few minutes, the guy came out but he was still not with Nella. This made me think that she wasn’t planning on giving Nella back.

“where is she Melissa? I’m starting to think you don’t have her.”

“I have her but I won’t show her to you yet. I want us to talk first. I’m still making sure that Nella is… fine. Jordan tie him up.”

Jordan walked towards me with a rope in his hand. I couldn’t move. I knew Nella wasn’t tied up anymore but I wasn’t sure if they caught her after she called me.

Jordan then kick me behind the knee which made me kneel.

“so tell me Spike, do you still want to be with her? after all the things that’s been happening now? There are 4 gangsters here ready to kill you anytime, I just tell them and you would die. But seeing as I love you and I want to be with you I wouldn’t do that. But I will tell you this. You will never see Nella’s pretty face after this night.”

I was going to stand up and hit her but Jordan held me down. Melissa laughed and walked to the other 3 men. I was so desperate, I needed to make sure Nella was alive, so I did something i think I will regret later.

“Come out Nella. It’s okay. The police are here.” Melissa’s face froze and she looked around expecting Nella to walk out and the police too.

“I know you lost Nella, Mel. She called me awhile ago.”

“you’re bluffing Spike. She can’t have called you. She’s tied up and unconscious inside.” She spoke like she was so confident but I can see it in her eyes that she’s scared.

“The police are here. Nella you can come out now.” Melissa looked around, she was apparently scared and wanted to make sure that Nella doesn’t come out. She took out a revolver from behind her shirt and held it ready to shoot.

After a while I saw shadows coming out of the warehouse. It was Nella and Jake. They told me to stay quiet.

“so Jordan, how much will she be paying you for this job?” I asked the bulky guy behind me whose holding on to my shoulders.

“you don’t have to know. Shut up.” He was certainly annoyed and I don’t know if it was because of me or because of the fact that I know Nella isn’t tied up.

“I think she won’t pay you. I think she’ll just take all the money and leave.” Jordan went in front of me and punched me. Nella was now beside the warehouse. I can see her struggling to get free form Jake’s grasp.

“you punch like a girl for such a bulky dude. Maybe that’s pure steroids.” I chuckled and he punched me again. It hurt but I didn’t give them the pleasure of seeing me flinch. Melissa looked at me amused. The other men all were smirking, thinking the police was all a bluff.

“Hey you, yes you the guy with ugly blond hair. I bet Melissa promised she’d tell her dad to promote you right?” he looked shocked and I think I hit a nerve. He was the oldest looking of all the men and I had a feeling that he wanted out on the dirty jobs and wanted to be the other heads.

“I assure you she won’t do it. She doesn’t have a very good relationship with her dad. In fact, he actually thinks she’s a bitch too.” I chuckled and Melissa’s amused expression was turned into rage. She stalked towards me and hit with the gun.

“shut up Spike or I’ll shoot you.”

“shoot me.” I challenged and she did shoot. I got hit on the shoulder and fell down groaning in pain.

“I told you I’ll shoot.” Jordan knelt beside me and smirked.

“you got your shot by a girl.” He was now chuckling.

“at least Melissa shoots like a guy, I bet she hits like a guy unlike you.” His face darkened and he poked my bullet shot which made me scream in pain. At that moment, Jake wasn’t able to hold on to Nella anymore. she ran towards me.

“No! stop it!”


i just remembered that i have finished writing this last thursday but i forgot to upload... my bad XD so don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and FAN!

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