Chapter 23

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So as promised i will upload tonight :D i really appreciate the comments you gave me for the last chapter but i can't make him remember her just like that XD anyway spike will realize soon and this story is about to end also.. well ENJOY and VOTE COMMENT after :D


Chapter 23

Nella’s POV

I woke up the next day in a very light mood. Our penthouse is nearly done, only little more boxes to unpack and a little more things to buy but those can wait. For now, I have to get ready to go to work. Our day at the office starts at 8 am and now it is 6 in the morning. I woke up 30 minutes ago that’s because I always wake up at 5:30. I go out for a jog around the park then come back after 30 minutes. It gives me enough time to get ready.

I went into Jake’s room to see that he’s still sound asleep. I smiled and sat beside him.

“Jakey, you don’t need to drive me to work today. I’ll go by myself. Ok?” he just nodded clearly still half asleep. I kissed him on the head and went out to get ready. Jake was always the heavy sleeper.

I decided to wear something casual and comfortable today. I don’t think Mr. Ports or even John expect me to work in my corporate attire every day. I took out a pair of grey skinny jeans, a white tank top and a charcoal grey off shoulder long sleeved sweater. I went to the bathroom and took a shower then straightened my hair and applied eyeliner, mascara, blush and lip gloss. I got my ‘work bag’ which is just like a makeup kit where all my pencils and colors are. Then I got my keys and money and stuff them inside my jean pockets and I put on my brown boots. When I got out of my room, it was only 7 in the morning. The drive to the office is only 20 minutes. I know why drive if it’s that near. Well let me tell you that I drive fast and I walk slow so go figure. Jake was coming out of his room and rubbing his eyes. He was in his pajama pants but his chest was bare.

“good morning, babe.” He greeted sleepily.

“why are you dressed so early?” he asked looking at me. I just laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

“babe, I told you that I start work today and I have to be there by 8. And I also told you this morning when I went in your room that I will be driving to work and I don’t need you to drive me today.” He just looked at me with a shock expression. Clearly he was nodding in his sleep just to make me shut up an leave him to sleep.

“oh,” was his only answer. He kissed me on the forehead then I left for work.

I decided to go to Starbucks and get my morning dose of caffeine. I ordered a Venti Caramel Macchiato to go. I arrived at the lobby at around half past 7 and I said hello to Maggie who also just arrived.

“Good morning Ms. Moore!” I greeted her. She was such a cheerful young woman.

“Call me Nell, Maggie.” I smiled at her and she smiled back. She gave me 2 sets of keys that leads to our office.

“You know, you guys are the first resident architects of the company. I think the president really trusts you.” She wiggled and eyebrows and chuckled.

“Anyway, these keys are for you and Mr. Dalton. They are color coded, I made them personally,” she smiled and I can’t help but smile at her cheerfulness, “the red one is the key to the supply closet outside your personal office, the green is for your office, the white is for the conference room and the blue is for your office. You and Mr. Dalton have different offices but I think you’ll spend most of your time in the conference room anyway. Oh by the way, these are the list of all the best people you can get to help you with this job. Mr. Ports told me to get it all for you and make a copy so that you guys can start. Your office is at the 9th floor and you are the only ones who will be using that floor. Mr. Ports also asked me to tell you to go to Mrs. Ports office at the 3rd floor and ask Ms. Junips her secretary. I think she’s going to tell you something.” She smiled and hand me the ring bounded papers. She was a really fast talker and I can’t believe she managed to tell me all those things in on go.

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