Chapter 24

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thank you for the suggestion Alexis212. i will dedicate the chapter of the reveal to you! XD VOTE COMMENT and ENJOY!


Chapter 24

John’s POV

“Yeah, I was in a car accident 4 years ago. I was on my way to pick up groceries then a car came out of nowhere and hit me.”

“Oh. I just remembered someone who had an accident 4 years ago.” She said sadly then she went back to looking at the road. The rest of the trip was silent and I can see that Nella was still thinking about the other person who was in the accident. We parked at the Chinese restaurant and walked inside.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who was the person in the car accident?” I asked while we were waiting for the server to give us menus.

“Oh, it was my fiancé. We were supposed to get married but he ran into an accident. The odd thing about the accident was that his car was not headed to church it took a turn to the right which leads to the highway.”

“I see. Was that guy Spike?” she looked at me and nodded. The server arrived and took our orders and left again.

“Do I really look like him?”

“Yes, actually you two look so alike.” She smiled and looked at my facial features.

“His hair was blonde, not like yours which are brown. He likes to keep his hair long, he never cuts it that short, and you have the same voice.” She looked down to her hands and I saw the engagement ring. She was wearing two rings. The other one was placed on her index finger.

“You and Jake got engaged?” I asked feeling a little sad, which was odd because I barely know the girl.

“Yeah, last night.” She smiled but her smile wasn’t a real smile. It was like a smile that you give someone to hide the fact that you are sad. I find it really odd that I know what all her small gestures mean.

“Congratulations. I hope you guys live happily.” But for some reason, when those words left my mouth I felt like I want to take it back and tell her not to get married. I quickly shrugged the feeling away when our food came.

“Let’s go back. We need to prepare for our meeting.” She nodded and asked for our bill. When the lady arrived I immediately took the bill and placed $20 bill inside. She looked at me with an arched brow. I just shrugged and she chuckled. We drove back to the office talking about lighter things- hobbies and the like.

“Nella, Mr. Ports will meet you in an hour and he asked me to tell you to prepare the list of teams you will need and he will be giving you resumes of secretary applicants.” Maggie said in a hurry while she was typing in her computer.

“Thanks a bunch Mags.” Nella kissed her cheek from the across her desk and she just giggled. I just chuckled at how cute these two are. Nella stuck her tongue out to me and ran towards the elevator. I just shook my head and followed.

The rest of the day was uneventful. We decided to hire a male secretary. His resume looked impressive and I think we can work great with him. I called him and told him that he starts tomorrow like everybody else.

Nella left earlier because she said that she has to meet someone named Danny. That name also sounded familiar. I was checking all the doors and things in the office when I saw a keychain at the conference table. It was on Nella’s side so I guess it’s hers. It was a basketball keychain that was clearly old. It was chained to all her office keys.

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