Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"See you at lunch Nell" Mia waved goodbye. we don't have any morning classes together which sucks but we do have all our afternoon classes together and i mean all. 5 days a week. You might think that Mia's a cheerleader. No she's not. she's actually a volleyball player and like me she's an A student despite the busy schedule.

my morning classes went by so fast that before  i knew it, it was luch time. i went to our usall table at the middle of the cafeteria. when i got there, Max was already there with her boyfriend Kenny.

"Hey guys!" i happily told them while placing the my food on the table. i'm eating triple cheese pizza. YUM.

"Nell i'm so jealous. you eat all those fat and yet you still have that to die for body." Max told me while i was munching on my pizza. i just smiled apologetically at her. Max gains so fast that she has to watch what she eats ALL the time.

"it's ok Max at least you're healthy" i smiled at her after finishing my pizza. but don't think i'm done eating. i went back to the line and got myself a slice of blueberry cheesecake. sometimes, being me was really awsome. as i was about to take my firt bite, Mia arrived and she was walking with Jenny and Kimberly.

"hey" they all told me at the same time. if you're wondering why Jenny and i are still friends, that's because i forgave her. she was drunck after all and Carson wasn't. and Jenny told me she doesn't have an excuse for what she did and she was so sorry. well who am i to tell her that she can go to hell? well i thought of that but then she apologized and didn't make any lame excuses so i guess i liked that about her.

Jenny is a blond girl. and she is a real blond. she's my co captain. she's not your typical blond. she has brains but she's not a genius. you can say she's average. fair complexion, long blond wavy hair, 5'6 tall. Max on the other hand is olive skinned. she has short black hair. she super sexy and she's 5'6 too. Mia and i on the other hand are only 5'4. Mia's a red head and fit. tanned skin and very sexy legs. i'm jealous of them. she's just like me. we eat so much but we don't get fat. Kimberly is asian. she dyed her hair light brown but normally she has dark brown hair. she's on the volleyball team as  well. she has a very fit body and stands 5'5 tall.

"hey guys" i smiled at them.

"Mia where's Paul?"

"i don't know maybe still at his locker." she leaned closer to me "i think she's asking Kim today" she giggled before sitting down beside me and munching on her sandwich.

Paul is our star quarterback he's 6 feet tall, muscular and has cherry blond hair. he used to be a player but when he started to date kim. he slightly toned down his flirting. and i mean slightly. i still see him flirting every now and then but i know he loves Kim. she's a strong girl.

just as we were eating and talking and laughing about things, Paul came running.

"i... think... i...." he said panting. he was looking at kimberly. she has one of her eyebrows raised and was looking at Paul like he was stupid for running.

"you???" Jenny said a smile appearing on her face

Paul stood up and caught his breath then smiled at kim. "i think i love you and i want to tell you that i'm changing for the better because of you and i want you to be my girlfirend." he said it all in one breath.

kim was shocked at first but then she became red. she was blushing! i've never seen her blush before!

"oooooohhhhh someone's blushing!!!" i practically squelled.

Kim blushed a little more. we all started laughing. then paul cleared his throat and everyone was silent again. Kim was still pink.

"well??" he asked

"uhmm.... yes?" she told him

Paul punched the air and said YES. then he hugged kim and kissed her on the lips the caf was filled with woots and 'nice' and the other girls that used to date Paul were all giving Kim death glares but they can't do anything to her cause she can always punch or make them break a nail trying.

we gave them both hugs and ate our lunch happily. can this day get any better?

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