Chapter 4

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sorry that i uploadedso late. my computer i s dying.... T.T

anyway, thanks for all the supoort!!

this chapter is dedicated to




and ofcourse to my first fan lamides27 :)

ENJOY! VOTE! FAN! COMMENT!!! i really appreciate them :D


My mom hugged me and my friends. "i'm so proud of you guys! and since tonight is graduation night and i know you all have parties to go to and you guys will be leaving in a few days so i got you this." my mom handed us a small velvet box. we opened it and there was a necklace. It has a charm angel wings.

"I perosnally designded that so you girls can always remember that you have each other. if you look behind the wings. it has your initials engraved to it."

"uhm.. mom why does mine have an S.P?" i asked her confused. she just chuckled

"you'll find out soon enough." she said then left with my father.

"weird. i think she's not telling me something." i told the girls they just shook their heads and laughed. they know mom's full of surprises and is weird. but i just can't help thinking who S.P is...

Chapter 4

we rode to the party (Jenny's house). Mia was riding with me while the other gilrs were riding with Jenny. when we got there, everyone was already partying and drinking. jenny decided to throw the pool party so most of our batch mates were already inside the pool wearing their bikinis.

the jacuzzi was also filled. the house was off limits. Mrs. Richardson's furniture are all custom made designed by her so she doesn't want parties to be held inside her house so she made a small house by the pool. it's suppose to be a guess house but Jenny always use it as a party place and her mom doesn't mind as long as no one gets in her house.

we went in the guess house and saw boys playing beer pong. we quickly changed in our bikinis and walked back to the pool. our batch mates were holding plastic cups in red yellow and blue all our school colors. we are cheerleaders so we want to display our school spirit even if we just graduated.

the party was amazing. Paul and Kim were making out at the jacuzzi and i saw Carson making out with a drunk chick. Pathetic.

after the party, they all went home. we were going to spend the night here. Jenny was talking non stop about her future plans and so were we. we talked till 4 am before we decided to sleep.

we woke up around noon. we all went out to eat at the mall we shopped and i found this super cute bag from Prada and i just had to get it. we went around shopping and buying things that we would use for college. after shopping, we all went home separately.

when i arrived home, i saw my dad's car. it was only 3 pm he wasn't due till 6. i walked out of my car and opened the door.

"i'm home!" i shouted throught the living room after dropping my shopping bags on the couch.

"we're in here dear" my mom called from the kitchen. i walked to the kitchen and saw my mom and dad sitting at the table. they smiled at me when i walked in.

"how was the party dear?" my dad asked me. i told them everything that happened at the party even the part where i saw Carson making out with a drunk girl. they both gave me apologetic looks. but i told them i was fine and continued on about what the girls and i have planned for college. i was the only one who was going to UCLA. Paul and Kim were going to be studying at Cambridge, Jenny will be going to Julliard, she really a great ballerina, Max decided to go to UCSC since her mother's clothing line will be expanding there, and Mia will be staying here and will be attending NYU.

"it's ok dear. you'll meet new friends there. and guess what" my mom said in a very excited tone.

"what?" i asked as excited.

"Spike is also attending UCLA! i just got off the phone with Deb, you remember her don't you? well she told me that Spike will be attending UCLA and was asking where you will be studying when i told her that you were going there too, we were so excited we decided to meet there and since we decided to go to LA tomorrow to look for a condo near the college Deb decided to meetr us there as well." my mom said clearly excited. my dad just held her hand and chuckled. 20 years of marriage and i can see that my dad still adores my mom.

"oooohhhh" was all i could say but it was writen all over my face that i was excited to see Spikey after all this years. good thing i packed the things i will be bringing to college. since we will be using my dad's private jet, i can leave them inside the jet till we find a place.

"wait!" my mom called before i could reach the stairs.  "i have another surprise!" she said smiling

"well, me and Deb decided to meet at the airport tomorrow and look for the place together. so here's the surprise. we have decided that you spike should live together since you will get married before schoold starts in september anyway..."

"what???" i cut her off

"you'll be living with spike." she said confused on what i was asking

"not that. after that"

"you and spike will be married before school starts?"

"Married?? Before school starts?!" i was really angry now. my dad stood up and hugged me. telling me to sit down. he got me a glass of water and hand it to me. i drank the whole glass and relaxed a little.

"what do you mean get married? we haven't even seen each other for 12 years. how do you expect us to get married?" i asked my mom in disbelief.

"well your dad and i and his parents have talked about this for the past 12 years. we have decided that once you turned 18 you will get married. the part of you guys going to the same school was practically a bonus. Deb and i wanted you guys to go to schools that you want but since both of you decided to go to UCLA, we decided to push through with the wedding before school starts." she told me in her matter of fact tone.

"please do this for us honey. me and Deb really want to be in laws and since you are my only daugter and Spike her only son. you have to do this for us." my mother gave me her cutest puppy dog eyes and pleaded. she can be so childish.

i just sighed and nodded. great tomorrow i'll meet my best friend and soon to be husband. yehey me. (note the sarcasm)

Hey! give my starbucks back! (arranged marriage)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang