Chapter 3: Spectator

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"Listen Guardian, I'm going to.." something cold was leaned onto my head. I turned around to see it was a gun. It looked like a medium size pistol with strange red liquid oozing from the see through shell.

"It's called Flavia and it will pierce trough your thin skull if you try to make any movement", unknown ass was still talking. "How cute, but as you can see I'm busy right now. So shoo annoying hooded creature!" I could hear a small growl from him.

"Begone Nightmare and I promise I won't hunt you down" Now that I was looking, he seemed familiar. Oh I know, he was at Hansen's and that crazy muffin lover! I took a chance and spit in his face. "This is for blueberry muffin!" He aimed at the spot and pulled the trigger. Luckily, I was faster. Shooters were always in advantage, but if you know how to wield a sword then they are dead meat. I unsheat the sword and throw myself at him.

He didn't have time to fully escape my blow, so he manged to walk away with a gash across his left arm. He seemed not to noticed as he kept on shooting at me. Finally, some exercise! We  avoided each other's attacks and I might say I was really started to enjoying this.

"More, more!" we both stop at the sound of applause. With weapons on each others throat, we glanced towards our spectator. " Awh, why did you stop?" childish voice giggled at us. "No fucking way!" I roared.

" You said the F word!" She covered her ears. "We have to kill her, now!" as I was about to swing, a strong hand stopped me. "If you do that, we'll expose ourself to grave danger!" I forgot that Guardian was still in the room.

"Any plans, sore throat?" Little girl laughed at my joke. He put the gun down and approached the girl carefully, "Hello there beautiful, what is your name?" She jumped out of bed and looked at us. Her eyes were filled with nothing but curiosity. "My name is Sandy. And what are your names?"

"None of your business!" I barked at her. Other guy seemed more patient than me so he actually dignified her with answer „Our names aren't important. You can call us whatever you like" She first turned to the guy, "Your name is John!" then she point at me, "And you are Daisy!" I rolled my eyes.

"We don't have much time, why don't you hop to that bed and go to sleep... So I can kill John" I motioned that drum sound.

" But he is my friend! Hey, John?" she barely hugged his waist since she was so small and fragile looking. "Do you like my pajama?" it had some lion imprinted on it. "That's Simba, the Lion King! Hey, John can you roar? How about you Daisy?" our fella John was about to decline so I gave my best lion impression. Sandy squealed in excitement.

"Now go to sleep" I lifted her like a feather. "Airplane!" she was making some odd noise, spitting in the process ,"Higher!" I'm going to toss this kid somewhere. Luckily, Guardian sensed my intention so he reacted quickly. He took the kid, put her on the bed and turned to face me.

"No!" I tilted my head and slurred, "Yes master. Anything else?"

Sandy giggled from behind. That is some strange kid. "We need to report this to the Council immediately" he demanded. I had some other plans in mind, "We? A-a, we won't do anything. Why? Because you're going to be dead by then"

In a second, tip of my blade was on his throat. I could feel the vibrations as he slowly swallowed. " Nerveous or scared?" " None of it!" He lifted his gun with left  hand and pointed at me. We stood there in silence, looking at each other while the thunder and storm raged outside.

We looked like two statues; two creatures hidden beneath their cloaks. I noticed that our garments were shredded and smeared with blood traces, especially his white one.

"Things don't have to end like this, you know. I always give a chance to every one of you, mostly they accept it and fly away. So what do you say Bringer? Do you want to live, can we shake hands on it?" he kept his gun aiming at my head. "How about no?" I applied more pressure to his neck. Soon enough small droplets of blood started to gather on the edge of a blade.

"Oh, I really like this colour. Nothing better than crimson red, am I right?" he stood silent. "Party breaker" I decided to finish him off, but I guess that he had a same plan for me. As we were about to make a slaughter, blood freezing scream stopped us.

The impact was so hard that it made both weapons shatter into little pieces. I tried to move, but my body wasn't responding at all. Vision started to blur and my ears were terribly ringing. What the hell is going on?!

With that last thought, I collapsed to the ground.

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