Chapter 23: Captain's plan

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"Okay, here is the plan: spread around and look for clues. What do you guys think?" Danny asked. 

"How about this, we leave you somewhere as a bait and... well nothing, just leave you there!" Amadeus added. 

Just what we needed right now, a quarell, "Laszlo, do you know where the control panel is?" he nod, "You can go there with Kira and Sandy. Disable the guards and break into the system. The only thing you have to do is mess up the lights in Council's room, shut them all down. Oh and clear the classrooms. Say that...well I don't know,but just sent them away. To safety. Without rising suspicion or panic. Alright?" they all stared at me.

 "The rest of you will go in pairs: Danny and Joey, Blossom and Amadeus, Twins. I will go alone. There are four entrance to the room and each will take one. Be careful, cuz it's going to be a hell of a ride. Also, they one of these" I hand them each a matching piece of paper with notes on it, "Before you come in, you will read it out loud and stay put." 

"Hey is this what I think it is?" Danny asked waving his paper.

 "Yes, your captain has a plan. And trust me, it's a good one. Okay now, are we all ready?" they nod. 


 Before I went my way, I grabbed Laszlo by the collar, "Listen carefully, if something goes wrong I want you to take this and stab the person, okay?" I gave him a knife and a small paper with target's name. 

"The three of you need to work together in order to accomplish something. Oh and if I find out that you do work for Lucid, I will skin you alive, get it?" I smiled at him.

 "Later!" I left him standing there with his mouth wide open. If I'm right, Lucid is going down today. 

I turned left and then ran down the stairs. I opened the door of some random classroom and peeked inside. The noobs were looking at me.

 "Fellow students, you have a day off!" I announced, "Please, proceed message to others and have a nice day" they all roared in excitement.

 Students these days!

 I ended up on the end of the hall and made my progress towards massive doors. Once I was there, I slowly twisted the doornob and let myself in. 

Just the way I remembered it: huge, empty space and those gorgeous turquoise tiles. The only novelty was a hideous looking chandelier on top of 'dance floor'.

 "Psh!" Another door opened, revealing Danny and Joey. 

"Is this it?" Twins appeared too. 

"How about some fire here?" Amadeus and Blossom came last. Okay, they were all here. 

"What now?" Joey asked. As in on cue, lights started to flicker, which meant the gang made it. A few moment later, you could feel the temperature dropping and a soft breeze caressing our necks. "Stay alert, this is it!" It's now or never. 

"This is your master plan, Captain? An open battlefield?" The mist formed into a shape of human being. "Hello Lucid" I took a few steps forward, "Long time no see" 

"Indeed!" It hissed. 

"Well then, shall we?" I spread my palm towards the floor, making it into ice skating field. "Hope you don't mind the breeze!" I made a gestures for others to scatter and so they did.

 "Get them!" Lucid shrieked and out of nowhere, Council's stuff appeared. "Bring them live or dead!" it said. "Avicia, stay" it added. 

"As you wish master" her once sullen voice dripped with lace now. Such a shame, I really liked her. 

Before I had time to act, a strong wave hit me and send me flying straight into the wall. I rolled myself up, straighten my shirt and made 'come at me' gesture.

 "I wasn't even watching" I shouted. Avicia pulled out two medium-sized, spice maces. Where did she get those?! She threw both of them in my direction and stood still. With such elegance, I avoided them both. 

"That wasn't the smartest move you...." before I managed to finished my sentence, something grabbed me from behind and stretched itself all over my body. It was some sort of a liquid, a black one and it smelled like someone died in it.

 "You were saying?" Avicia mocked. I tried to wriggled out, but the more I've been trying the more was I stucked in it. 

"You can't escape, it will only devour you faster if you try. But suit yourself, it's not like you are going anywhere" she laughed at her lame joke. "I have a proposition for you, Mare. It's pretty simple. You and your pathetic friends can leave this place only if you provide me with one tiny information. Life in exchange for a word. What do you say?" she cocked her head.

 "What exactly?" I tried not to gag from the smell, but it was pretty hard not to. "Do you ever wash this thing?" it was my turn to laugh. The liquid squeezed me, pushing the air out of my lungs. 

"The Tree of Illusion, where is it?" Avicia asked. 

Oh that's what this was all about, "What Tree?" I played innocent. "Don't play with me, you ignorant child!" she spat.

 Me, a child?! I snorted, "Such an insult! I think I'm gonna cry now. Do tell me one thing, Avi. Who is Lucid?" I wriggled out some more to see her face. "I guess I can tell you at least that before I send you to death" so scary, I've noted mentally.

 "I am Lucid!" She announced raising her arm dramatically. A black mist joined into her hands, making it looked like a bad pair of gloves. 

"You?" frankly, I wasn't expecting that. "Of course it was me!" she crossed her arms. "But why?" I was curious...not really, but I wanted to buy some time to think. 

"I had the power, but I wasn't chosen. I wasn't adequate enough was the reason I wasn't picked. But all of them were: sand, sound, wind, ice, fire, lightning, earth and ice. And I wasn't adequate!" she barked. What was she blabbering about? Wait sand, sound, etcetera, oh I know! 

"You wanted to be a member of Council? Ah so sad. So you made Lucid and the rest went to history right?" Oh Avicia, can you be more dumber? 

"No, it's not history yet. Not until you all die!" she squeezed her hand, making liquid to engulf me completely. 

"I'm afraid not today. In fact not today, not tomorrow, nor ever!" Liquid slowly eased it's grip and finally exploded in small pieces. I cracked my knuckles, letting the power slowly build inside me. 

"Avicia, let's dance!"

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