Chapter 25: Ending

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Her sword sliced trough, leaving a trace of black dust in the air. She swung once again making our swords collide. Ice and dust mixed together, making an intriguing pattern in the process. In some other occasion I would be fascinated with the color that danced around. But this wasn't the right time nor occasion. 

I pushed the blade a little further, managing to create small spacing between us. 

"After all this years, the power is finally in my reach" she swinged her sword to my left, but I dodged it only to be hit by another wave of mist she released from her hand without me noticing it. My back made a contact with icy wall. 

"Oh come on, it wasn't even  ten years ago!" I chipped a piece of ice and threw it at her, but she dodged it with easiness. What she didn't predicted was my next move. I quickly slipped and launched at her with such speed, slashing and finally cutting her left arm off.

 "Looks like you're missing something" I put the sword on my back. She laughed hysterically extending her right hand over the left one. The black thread started to producing and healing her left arm. What the heck?! 

"Look can be deceiving" She replayed, looking at her hand. Sure it can. She raised her hand in an o shape formatting a fire circle around us. 

"Afraid of the fire?" she lifted her sword, challenging me. "Not a chance" I've tried to make a move, but something was stopping me. Suddenly, all of my breath was kick out off me and I was sent on the floor, gasping and coughing like crazy. 

"What's wrong Mare?" Avicia's footsteps approached me. Her foot disappeared for a second and then return back, slamming with full force in my stomach. 

"Get up!" She growled and kicked me again. 

"You know it would be easier if you could stop hitting!" I raised my head, seeing Avicia in her true form. She lost all of "humanish" features, if there were any before. Her eyes were pitch black and her face was contorted like a mad puppet.

 I slowly rose to my feet and spread my palm towards her. She grabbed my hand and let out those black tentacles of mist. It felt like my whole body was on fire. She swiftly kicked my legs and send me flying across the room once again. 

"I thought that you were going to put up a good fight, perhaps convinced yourself to win. But that was just pathetic, Mare!" Avicia circled around me, like a caged animal. 

"I put my whole sanity to find that Tree and since you are the only who knows where it is, you are going to tell me" a sword reappeared in her hand and now was pointed at my throat. 

"Go ahead. But just so you know, if I die, your bloody Tree goes bye-bye!" I wipe a small trace of blood from my lips. 

"My plan was to torn you apart, piece by piece, until you give up on everything" she stabbed my arm, unleashing a strong amount of pain with it. I hissed, "Hate to break your plans and all, but that won't happened. Why?" I had no clue, but the improvisation was a good idea at this point.

 Obviously she didn't want to hear more of my chit-chat, since she stabbed me once more. This time in my stomach. "I swear to the whole Dream Eater Society that I will rip you apart when you unleash me from your spell. You coward!" I've got nothing, nada, zero ideas. Guess stubbornness won't lead you anywhere. 

"You won't do anything Mare and you know it. Did you know how many years did I spent to make this illusion work. My army, my Council!" she preached. 

"Yeah, I had no idea..." She twisted the sword into my wound. Of all places, she chose stomach! Wait did she just say illusion?! 

"An illusion?" my voice was coming out a bit weaker. A lot quieter in fact. 

"Yes, an illusion!" she replayed. That was her power? A fucking illusion?! I chuckled at her face.

"Something funny?" She raised her eyebrow. 

"Nope. Not at all" I closed my eyes and let my power took over once more. I felt tired and exhausted, but I needed just a bit more. 

"Gotcha!" I smiled at her. Her eyes widen at the sudden realization of what just happened. One dagger hit her and then another... and a couple of more. Within a second she was on her feet. 

"Such drama!" Danny announced. 

"Mare, you are a bit pale" Kira added. 

"But you were all dead! I've killed you all!" Avicia whispered between her breaths. 

"It was just an illusion, dear. Just like your power, we created this fake story. Fake people, an illusion. The only real in this room until now were you and me. Nothing else." I explained. 

"No,no,no!!!" she kept on repeating, until her head hit the ground. I kneeled on my feet and slowly whispered in her ear, "You know, it was a though fight and honestly you could have won. You could have... But look where your power and hatred brought you? At the end of the line. It's a bit harder to breathe, isn't it? And for the goal that never existed. The Tree isn't real Avicia. It never existed and it never will. The closest thing to power resource is the Library." I stopped there to look at her face. 

Disbelief and defeat was all I could see. „No...." With that word her eyes shut and she gave her last breath. 

"The evil witch is dead!" Blossom announced while other cheered. 

"Mare, I know it was a heart warming moment, but don't hate the player, hate the game!" Amadeus added. 

"So we won" Laszlo said while others were walking ahead discussing how to rearrange the Council room. "Yeah we won" I answered. 

"You don't sound so happy about it" No, shit. "Maybe, I don't know..." I felt bad. She was the bad guy! But still, it was something there. 

"Someone finally touched your stony heart Mare. Wow! I thought I would never witness this!" He bumped my arm. "Shut up" I growled. "And she's back!" We both laughed as we walked out to where we belonged. To our home. Back into the real World of Dream Eater society.


Dear reader you have finally reached the ending! Yup, yup, yup! I would like to thank you for taking your time and reading it. Hope you enjoyed it and yeah... stay tune for more new stories :)

Signing off,

The Author

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