Chapter 18: 'Tasty' Truth

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"Alright, settle down!" Kira raised her hands, reminding me on that day I went to the classroom to serve my 'punishment'. There was this girl who was trying to calm everyone with almost exact words. What was her name? I think something fruity.

 "Mare?" Laszlo snapped me out. "hm?" I turned. "Something wrong?" his voice was filled with worry, sooo adorable. I snorted as a response. "Guess not" he replayed with a smile.

 "Ace in the hole! Ace in the hole!" Twins started to sing like a seal, trying to a desert. Let your imagination out. Others joined in, creating a disaster that even dubstep couldn't fix. Humans and their terrible music. Gah! 

Someone grabbed my hand and slowly pulled me behind. It was Sandy, determine to find whatever she was looking for. 

She reached for a book and opened it. In a blink of an eye we were teleported. My eyes adjusted to the light and stared into the room. 

"Where are we?" I asked, scanning the place. It was filled with people, chattering in groups while drinking from enormously large cups. I've noticed the liquid was dark with a strange contrast of white foam at the top. The room by itself was quite rich, oozing with positive energy. The furniture was dark brow, yet elegant and it fit in perfectly. 

"Are you comfortable?" Sandy asked, barely hiding excitement in her voice. "Sure" my hand rested on a top rail of a chair. "Wanna try some?" Sandy pointed at the table, which had two plates with food and those enormous cups.

 "This is called Svíčková. It has meat, cream, cranberries and dumplings. And a mug of dark beer. Na zdravi!" She lifted the mug and cling it to mine. "Er bottoms up?" I took a sip too. Ooooh this is good! 

"Whoa safe some for later!" she joked. "What is this place?" I wiped the foam from my face. So unlady like.

 "Welcome to Prague! I kinda love to travel around the Europe and this is one of my favorites" Sandy announced proudly.

 "But, how can people see us?" I asked suspiciously. "It's a pretense. An illusion. Real place, fake people" She explained. "Alright, but that doesn't explain why you dragged me here so suddenly" I took a bite of dumpling. Mmm! 

"They are good, aren't they?" she smiled, "But let's get straight to the point then. Fellow friends are currently interrogating Laszlo" I jumped up "They what?!" all the people glanced at our direction.

 "Sit down! They won't hurt him. We just need to know how much is he involved in the...situation. Now please sit down!" her eyes pleaded not to make a scene so I slowly got back to my seat. 

"Talk fast" I barked.

 "Situation is quite delicate now so we have to eliminate all the possibilities first" she explained calmly, "We snooped around your house these past few months and what we concluded is this, do correct me if I'm wrong. You got the assignment, you fought with Laszlo, you figured out something is wrong. And then the Council intervened. They send you both back, expecting a full report of each they. For some reason, you didn't write everything. As the matter of fact, you just keep repeating that something is slightly off and that you are slowly working things out. My question is why?" 

She spared me a glance. I sighed, thinking how did it come to this, "The whole neighbourhood screamed of wrong vibe and then when Lucid came into the story, I wanted to find more. Both sides are hiding something and I wanted...actually still want to know what" 

Hope that was a satisfying answer. 

"Fair enough, but let's put Laszlo in the scene then. His reports were different, yet he didn't reveal crucial information. He seemed torned between you and the Council, but why is that so?" My memory when back to the night when I saw that odd fountain at Joey and Danny's house, "He's a tracker!" I spoked absent mindedly. 

"What?" Sandy looked confused. "Remember that house party of Joey and Danny?" she nod.

 "Well, Lucid was there too. It took me back in time, more like a recall. Seven years ago, while I was still a novice. The Council was suspicious about me, some wanted to kick me out immediately since I was recruited without Converter. They said a surveillance must be set up for me and I bet that surveillance is Laszlo!" stunned, I stared at my plate.

 And to say he was the only person I can truly trust. "Oh cheer up, maybe he isn't the bad guy at all!" she smiled.

 "How should I know what's real anymore?! You, him, the Council, this whole system? Fuck!" I angrily chewed on a piece of meat. I should just give up and ditch. Just walk away. Up yours people! I'm better on my on anyways.

 "Sure blame it on the system" Sandy glared at me accusingly. I took another bite. What does she knows? Blame it on the system blahblahblah.

 "Did you get our little Mare angry, huh?" the door creaked beneath him. Amadeus' lips formed into sardonic smile.

 "Please do join the party. No, hell bring all of your stupid friends. Let's have a tea party!" I spat. I was losing it way too quickly. Amadeus looked at Sandy and nod. She nod back. 

"What's with the nod?" I eyed them carefully. "Nothing" Sandy shrugged. Amadeus grabbed a fork out of her hand and begun to devour what is left.

 "Heeey!" Sandy tried to take it back, but in vain. "Tasty!" he slurped at the end, "So when?" "What when?" I asked. "You knooooow" he nudged Sandy. "Soon!" she slapped his arm. "Right" he crossed his arms and stared at me. 

"What are staring at?" he lifted his chin defiantly. "What are you staring at?!" I returned. Such a waste of time here. I taped on the glass. Such a waste...

"When are we going back to the Library?" I looked around to see two guys playing some melody on accordion. 

"Not yet, not before you conclude who do you trust. Us, the Council, perhaps the system?" I noticed their eyes dilated as they snarled at me. Well fantastic. I should sense this coming. Amadeus overturned the table while flames flicked from his palms. 

He looked at me, his trademark smile leaving his mouth, as he spoked the 'magic words' "It's showtime!"

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