Chapter 8: Lucid

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"Anything useful?" John plumped on the couch, eating vanilla yogurt. Our first day at 'work' passed successfully... in a way. But I didn't find anything useful, except that strange dreamcatcher. "Not really" I rested my head on a pillow, focusing on the tv screen.

 "I've managed to scan Tony's room and living room" I raised my brow, trying not to burst out laughing. He still had full makeup on, but luckily he didn't notice it. "His room is fairly clean, but his laptop isn't!" I faced him to learn more. 

"Inside his colorful history, I've managed to find something useful. Seems that Tony owns a casino chain and he's making a loads of money with it" " But he has a company, why another business aside if first one is going good?" John snapped his fingers "Not quite! According to accounts his company is sinking pretty fast. They didn't manage to launch their new system before the rivals. They've lost billions because of that." seems legit. 

" Anything else?" "He's not Sandy's father nor Blossom is her mother." That got me interested. 

"Sandy's adoption papers were hidden in one of the drawers. Parents are unknown, but I've found a letter in which biological parents claim they don't want their daughter nor any contact with her at all." "that brings us nowhere. What else?" John scratched his head, thinking "Well their living room is neat, except.." 

I flicked my tongue imitating snake's sound. "Fluffy startled you a bit, huh?" he folded his arms and stared at the tv. Poor Johnny was offended. I took the remote from small coffee table and switched the channel. Oh, Tom and Jerry! "Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Tom cat?" John furrowed his brow, looking back at me. I pointed at the tv. "Right.. Anything from Sandy?" he plucked small, grey thread from the couch. "Not really, but she's a weird kid. I like that"

 "That's new" "What?" "Word like in your vocabulary!" Look at that "How cute, Fluffy... I mean John!" we both snickered. "You know, for a Nightmare Bringer, you're not that bad!" I snorted at his comment.

 "Enough bonding for one day, I still want to stab your eye!" his lips twitched in the corner. Oh, he was having fun! " I'm still Bringer and this is just my role of being... nice! Oh and about that make up you're having, maybe lighter shade would be better for you" I got myself from the couch and went in to my room. 

Seconds later, John started banging on a door. " I'm not angry at you Daisy, but as your 'husband' we should talk about this!" I stretched myself, looking at the ceiling. 

Small spider was making it's web into the corner. I wondered how come no one likes spider. I guess rabbits and bunnies are their idols. Ugh! Why was I the one who saw Sandy? It was just a plain mission, implant a nightmare and begone! Simple as that, but I feel like something is more to this now. I grabbed the pillow and pulled it on my face.

 "Daisy?" John slowly whispered. I forgot he was still there. "Yes?" I repeatedly threw the pillow up and down. " I though that you were asleep" "I'm obviously not!" pillow was now reaching the ceiling.

 Human strength sucks! If I was in my normal form, the ceiling would be already gone.

 "Well, I'm going to sleep so goodnight!" I could hear footsteps slowly backing up and entering another room. " I guess goodnight" I let pillow to fall on my face once again. I closed my eyelids and sight. 

Go to sleep. "I'm not tired" I widen my eyes realizing I didn't say the previous sentence. Lucid, lucid. It was coming above the blankets. I jumped of the bed and made an upper cut trough the air. No one was there. Come, join us. It was a mere whisper, so I couldn't recognize it.

 "John if this is one of your revenge plan, you are doing it wrong!" Kill for us. The voice became distorted, more violent one. That wasn't John, it was that bloody voice from the dreamcatcher. 

"What do you want?" I growled, switching the lights on. Claustrofobical room was empty, but I could still feel the presence of something. Kill for us and you shall be free.

"Did Happy Councel send you? Because if so, tell them to fuck off. If they didn't tell you that, you should still fuck off!" The air changed, suddenly ice-cold temperature dominated the room. I could feel dark tentacle formating around my ankles. Hungry. "Oh well we have food in the fridge, so knock yourself out" Free us! I could feel slight pressure squeezing around my neck. 

" By us, you mean who?" Soon, our savior, soon... Pressure eased and temperature increased in a second. I couldn't feel any presence, but I knew for sure he or she or they were gone. Did the creature called me a saviour? Who the hell were they? I inspected the room searching for any clues that might be able to help me. Not even a thread. I felt frustrated and angry. 

" I want answers!" I grabbed the nearest object and slammed it against the wall. It was an ugly, florescent red lamp. "Daisy is everything alright?" John knocked on the door, his voice seemed like he just woke up. "Umm yeah, I just tossed a lamp in to the wall!"

 "What happened?" his voiced betrayed a hidden concerned, how sweet. "Nothing, just go back to sleep!" I wasn't in a mood for arguing. Especially not with him. "I'm still waiting for apology!" " Goodnight John!" I sat on the bed, staring at the wall. 

" Goodnight and try not to bash stuff in the house so much, I'm trying to sleep" just out of fun I slammed a nearby figure into to the door. "Daisy!" „It was a rabbit! And you know I can stand rabbits!" " Stop provoking! Oh and that's not rabbit, it's a bunny. Just so you know."



"Go to sleep already!"

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