Chapter 14: The Past

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I woke up in the middle of the night. 

Glancing at a clock, which Laszlo bought me yesterday, I noticed it was barely 3:15. Great, now who's going back to sleep? I rolled myself off the bed and head towards the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door, I sensed some distortion in the air. I closed my eyes and inhale sharply, knowing I won't like the answer. 

Lucid. I could feel the presence of it. Carefully, I opened the kitchen door noticing someone at the fridge door. 

"Kira?" I slowly approached the figure. The fridge door closed and the figure stood still, staring at me. Long black hair, a familiar figure and those distinctive purple eyes. It was me! I narrow my eyes suspiciously "Get out!" 

Fake me tilted her head and sneered at me. "And why would I?" her voice was, tragically, same as mine. Really, why would you want your twin to leave. Alright, I will play on. "Sleep. People need some sleep!" she rolled her eyes "People, as in humans? Oh, you can be so much more than that. Can't you see it?" 

"There's a Kit-Kat on the bottom. Can you grab that for me?" she raised her eyebrow. "We are talking about an important issue here and you want a snack?! Do you really want that Mare?" I nod. She opened the fridge once more and threw me a bottle of water.

 "No, no, no water" I protested, but she responded with kind and creepy smile "You will need it, trust me" she held her hand towards mine. "Where to?" this was getting more frustrating within a minute. She took a step closer and whispered "Wanna see something fun?" she grinned like a maniac. "Will I get candies?" I clapped my hands. 

She crossed her arms and looked at me from head to toes "No wonder Lucid wants you" "What?" "Nothing... for now! Look, I'm just a messenger. A deliverer, nothing more, And when It says deliver something, I just do it. The night is still young, so let's go while we still can" I must say I was slightly intrigued by the thought.

 "Go on" "Simple, hold my hand. I really want to show you something" she was holding her hand like a moron. "And then what?" She sighed, "Past, you shall see your past" I thought about it for a second. What could possibly go wrong? Like she said, a deliverer. Plus, she didn't seem to carry a weapon. Even if this is some sort of trap, hey at least it will be fun. I smiled and grabbed her hand 

"Hit me!"


One second I was there, in Cimera street and in second I was... I don't know where. 

"This is Yogan, your home to be precise" Green grass was spreading everywhere it looked like it never-ending line to infinity and beyond. Yeah cheesy, but true. There weren't many housew, but they were all pretty, made of pure stone, which gave them a more edgy look. The messenger walked towards one of them while I strolled behind.

 "So what do you think?" she asked without looking back at me. I shrugged. It seemed like fine, quiet neighborhood. There weren't many people out here and well nature. Nature was the only freaking view, first plan: nature. With capital letters.

 If there was a tour of this place it would be like "From your left side can see trees, from your right side... surprise, surprise more trees and a bit of bushes. If we get lucky maybe we'll see a reindeer playing ukulele with a bear" 

"Mare!" messenger snapped at me. "Yeah?" "We are here!" I noticed that we came to the first white porch.

 There was a family having their lunch. There were three of them, all happy and satisfied. The kid was laughing at his father while he made fun of himself just to convince little one to eat broccoli. Mother soon joined in and they were monkeying together. The kid screech in excitement. As soon as she noticed me, she waved. 

And then the picture shifted. 

"Alright honey, have fun!" Mother kissed the kid and she stormed out of the house. I've decided to follow her. "Marella!" another black haired girl joined the kid as they waited on the bus station to get to school. So that is her name. Marella. A bit odd! 

The picture shifted. "My parents are getting divorced" Marella was now slightly older. Maybe around her 15? "That kinda sucks" her friend, the one which I saw on the bus station before, responded. Another shift. "Wait, wait lemme try this!" she was now with some boy. Probably her boyfriend, the way it looks. They both seemed nervous, "I love you too" She whispered leaning against him. 

Shift again. Come on Lucid, not that fast! 

 "Marella, you should stop you know" her childhood friend held up a bag with a white content in it. "No!" Marella screamed and tried to get the content back. She seemed different, way different than usual. She lost a lot of weight, she was slightly shaking and her purple eyes were bloodshot red. 

Shift. I was getting pretty upset with everything as I turned towards the messenger, she motioned me back into the finale of the mess. 

Rain was falling down on the dirt of an alley. A figure was leaning against the wall and without even looking I knew it was Marella. She fell to the ground whimpering like a small child. "" she kept saying those words over and over again. I knelt beside her, absorbing the scene. An empty needle syrnge was beside her now nearly ghoustless body. 

She held her head up and sniffed, "Are you here to pick me up?" I looked around, but since no one was there, I 've realized she must have been talking about me. "Not exactly" 

"I thought I could handle it, you know. But.. but.. this time it was too much" she kept on talking, more to herself than me. "You are a lousy comforter" She chuckled. "I'm sorry" I shrugged apologetically. I felt sorry for her, truly. "I lost everything and everyone, but you still came" she pushed herself from the wall and ended up on my hands. I didn't like any type of hugging nor contact, but this one seemed right in a way, which terrified me. 

She looked at me and tried to cover up her sobs and tears. I manage to wipe some away. "You are really pretty and.. I'm so sorry Mare that I... I.. messed up" she exhaled, "Before I go, can you promise me something?" "Ah why not" she smiled "Truth is not always what it seems. I know it sounds like a motivational crap, but trust yourself and no one else. Can you do that for me?"

 "Of course kiddo" "Great... and thank you.. you know, for coming" she coughed once again and closed her eyes, this time for ever. I kissed her forehead "I promise kiddo, I really do promise" 

Once again the picture shifted, leaving me back where it all began. Alone, back in Chimera street with a bottle of water in hand and a thought of promise echoing inside of my head.

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