Chapter 10: Without Report

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"It was on my face!" John tried to convince me how dangerous Spiky was.

 " For the last time, I don't care!" I tossed small piece of a chocolate bar at him. "So what did you find in the yoga room, beside Spiky?" I grinned mischievously. "Nothing, the room is clean like it should be." " That is Laszlo's line!" I took another bite of chocolate. It was so good!

 "Who is Laszlo? Your love interest?" John wiggled his eyebrows. "Love interest? What century are we in?! But, no I don't have time for...those emotions" He eyed me suspiciously " Even though we aren't technically human, doesn't mean we should stop feeling or showing emotions." 

"I didn't manage to find time for that" John shifted in his seat, fully focusing on me "Why not? You are pleasant person, when you aren't angry or in full rage mode." He blinked couple of times and I swear I could see the full resemblance of him and Laszlo. "Blablabla! Now listen, putting emotions away is the best thing. No one gets hurt... the end!" „But you can't just.."

 "Yes I can! Besides I'm not the most welcomed person there" „What do you mean by that?" I shut my eyes "Nothing, forgot that I said anything. My past, my choice, my mistakes, they are all irrelevant now" Finally he stood quiet. 

"Daisy, I am sorry" he put his arms around me and enveloped me into a hug. My eye started to twitch "GET YOUR HANDS OFF!" he quickly removed himself and stepped as further away from me as he could. 

"I'm sorry!" "Stop apologizing" "Sorry.. I mean sorry. Ugh sorry about that." " Not a word. Now, back to my discovery, Sandy knows about Dream Eater system" 

 "How?" "She had it trough a dream" "We must tell that to Council! They might have a mole. You can't just implant a dream such as that one" I crossed my arms , "No, it's something worse, there was a tree painting on her wall. Could it be the Tree of Illusions?" John eyes dilated "But it's the essence of our society" Society, my ass.

 "It's not the end of the world, it's just a painting. But the point is that she is destined to be a doom of our happy society!" " Destined? By who? When? How?" John walked nervously from one end to another. 

"Sit down, you're making yourself nerveous" " So what now?" I sighed not quite sure what to say, "Procced with our work, find what's behind it. But don't report it to the Council yet" " They have to right to know!" "No John, not yet" "But..." I stood up and walk towards John. 

"Now listen carefully," his eyes followed my movements and soon enough we were facing each other so close that I could feel his unsteady breathing "Try to report anything and I swear you won't leave another day!"

 "What.." "I'm going to slit your throat in your sleep if you don't shut up!" he swallowed loudly, fear radiating from his eyes. Poor Johnny got scared, awww. I slowly put my hand on his chin "Close your mouth if you don't want to catch some flies!" 

Stepping away I walked outside. It was so bloody hot on the streets, but none of the rabbit figures were melting down. Why do people have fetish on that! 

" Take it off!" did someone just wolf-whisled at me. I turned around to see two young men walking in my direction. They were probably in their early twenties and they were dress similarly. "You're new here?" Blue eyed guy with his eyebrow pierced asked. " You could say that" I folded my arms. "In that case here you go!" blonde guy handed me a leaflet. "It a party for the whole block and everyone is welcomed!" they high-fived each other. "Okay?" 

"Oh I almost forgot, I am Danny and this pierced boy here is Joey!" " Aha" " Can we get your name?" "no" "Can we get your shoes then?" I glanced at my shoes, pitch black with some weird symbol. Probably logo brand. 

"Jordans! We want them, so take them off" they both jumped around. Oh so they were talking about the shoes. Crazy people. " Jumpy kids, buzz off" they tilted their heads and sighed. " Well can you come to the party?" Joey asked. "Sure, I will bring my... husband too" "Oh so, you are married. Even better!" "I guess..." „You are not curious about us!" Danny proceeded. „Why should I be?" „Oh come on, guess" they are bloody boring. "We are together! TA-DA!" they both made some silly move. 

"Great, you are really meant for each other." They took a bow and strolled down the road, laughing. "See you at the party!" they started to sing some song as loud as they could. 

" Be quiet, my baby can't sleep!" middle aged woman pointed accusingly at those guys. "Hello Mrs Biggs! We are having a party tonight, join us!" Danny handed her a leaflet.

 "But I can't leave my baby, my Munchin, alone" "Come with Munchin then!" They continued their song. Munchin? Who would call their baby Munchin?

 "Here Munchin, we are going for a walk!" Fat, white dog came out of the house. It looked like a sheep, a really ugly one that is. I put my hands in pockets and looked at the sky. Even the clouds had a strange rabbit shape.

 I am a Nightmare Bringer, but this neighbourhood is weird even for my taste.

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