Chapter 7: Snake And A Cat

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While John was playing his role of french maid, I knocked on the green door. "Sandy?" As the doors opened, I was once again met with those bright blue eyes.

"Hi! Do you know how to made braids?" she tugged her hair and made a knot out of it. stepping in to the room, scent of that wonderful aroma engulfed me once again.

"I'm Daisy" smiling awkwardly I raised my hand. "And I'm Sandy!" she clapped her hands, happily. " I know. What is that aroma in the air?" I really had to ask. Instead of answering she brought a small candle stick. "Mum likes those different scent in the house and when I told her my favorite colour is orange, she bought these!" she lifted stick once more.

"Orange scent?" she nod. "But why is your room painted in light green then?" "Green is my favorite colour too!" that makes sense. "So what do you..." Sudden shreak from outside of the room made me alerted.

"Stay here!" Sandy sat on her bed. "And don't move" I grabbed two nearest pencils and headed towards the source of noise. Definitely brown doors, the living room.

I slowly sneaked inside seeing John standing on a chair in some weird position, his eyes were roaming around the room like crazy. " John?" I dropped both pencils on the floor.

" What's wrong?" he slowly sat on the chair, still avoiding my gaze. "Anybody home?" I knocked on his glass frame, but he still refused to look at me. "Heeey!" I pulled him by the hair so he was finally facing me. The colors were completely drained from his face.

"Oh, have you met Fluffy?" Sandy arrived in the room looking at us. "Fluffy?" She simply giggled and went to pick something up from some weird box filled with grass, leaves and I wasn't sure, but I think there was something that looked like a small ear of some animal.

"This is Fluffy!" she held the beast up. I've heard a loud thump and before I knew it, John passed out. "Oh I didn't mean to scare him. Fluffy is really kind." She patted Fluffy's skin. The colours were extremely exotic; white with patterns in butterscotch yellow and burnt orange. "Burmese python is the species of this snake. Mum said it's one of largest snakes in the world!" Sandy was still patting the snake, while it flicked its tongue out. "Do you want to hold him?" I slowly approached the snake, looking at his red eyes.

" It's okay, he won't bite you" She put Fuffy around my neck. " Hello Fluffy, you scared out little Johnny. Is there any chance I might borrow your pet, for just one night?" Sandy smiled at me. "Beautiful" I patted Fluffy's head while he was making some odd noises.

"He really likes you!" Sandy exclaimed. I bet he does. I stared at his red eyes. Strange being, just like me.

"You know, we should put Fluffy back to its box before John wakes up!" I carried Fluffy and put it on branches of the box. "It's not a box, it's terrarium!" Sandy corrected. "My bad."

My eyes roamed towards John, who still laying unconscious. "Do you have crayons by any chance?" Sandy looked at me all confused and ran to her room. In the meantime, I pulled John on a chair. "What's it gonna be then? Should I draw you a beard? Maybe some awful moustache or maybe..." "He can be Tom!" Sandy appeared out of nowhere, carrying full make up equipment in her arms.

"Tom?" "Yes, you know the cat from Tom and Jerry?" probably some annoying cartoon. I pulled out black marker and colored the tip of John's nose. "Now do this!" Sandy grabbed the marker and sit on John's lap, since she was too short to reach him. She scribbled three lines on both side of his cheeks and add extra dots.

"Ta-da! Whiskers!" She huffed, all satisfied with her work. I smashed dark brown and grey crayon, handing one to Sandy. Once we were done with smearing it all over his face, we retreated to her room. " Will he be mad at us?" She poked some object on her bedstand.

"Of course not. But if he does, I will have to kill him!" I made a motion of cutting my neck. Sandy stared at me "Relax I'm kidding. I would feed Fluffy with his body. Now, what are you poking over there?"

I came closer observing the object. It was a dreamcatcher. The web had an intricate pattern filled with small black and brown beads. At the end each of pink rope stood a feather; crimson red, indigo, teal and olive. "That is my favorite colour!" She touched each feather. "Every colour is your favorite one!" I gasped exaggerating.

"Daisy?" "Yes?" "Do they really keep you safe?" She pointed at the dreamcatcher.

Do they really, Mare? Did the dreamcatcher keep you safe from your nightmares? Tinie voice whisper in my head. Do you truly belive in the power of dreams, Mare? Or you are looking for something else, Mare. Hmmm? "Daisy?" Sandy shook my shoulder, snaping me from the trans.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" What was that about? I exhaled slowly, glancing at the dreamcatcher. " Let me get you A..A.. that pill that mum takes when she having a headache." Sandy got of the bed and ran in other room, leaving me to deal with... myself.

"Who are you?" I slowly whispered to no one in particular. "What do you want?" Silence. I closed my eyes "Whimp whoever you are! I'm not letting you mess with my head without a fight!"

I flicked dreamcather and left it going back and forth. I grimaced satisfied and left the room, not knowing that it has just begun.

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