Chapter 22: Brave, Proud And Modest

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I could hear footsteps coming from other side. By the sound of it, it was only one person. And I was right! 

Kira stepped on the other spotlight and glanced at my direction.

 "So you finally reached your destination" she begun, "How do you feel?" Gosh, I feel like I just won a lottery! 

"Tired...of your shit!" Kindness comes and goes. Here, it never even came. 

 "Who wouldn't be? I thought that getting straight to the point would be better, but some disagreed so here we are now" she smiled. "And?" I motioned for her to carry on.

 "Right, so did you connect the dots yet?" she shifted.

 "Sure, you all have some power, which is great, but I don't see the point...actually wait" seven people with power of shape shifting, sound blast, fire, lightning, sand, earth and wind. And they were banished some time before I became a Nightmare Bringer. So they can't be.. I mean there were already... 

"Got it? Yes we were the Council" She pointed out. 

"But there is a current Council and only seven of you guys! How do you explain that?" gotcha!

 She sighed, "Well there were eight of us at the beginning. Everything was fine, until we got attacked by the creature named Lucid. Our captain went to protect the Tree of Illusion by any cost, even if it meant to lose her life. And so she did or at least that was what we thought. With the death of members the Council power is fading away, which resulted with our defeat. We managed to escape, mostly in bad shape and almost fatally wounded. But we survived. Unfortunately, Lucid remained in the system of Dream Eaters and there might be a huge chance that it's controlling the current Council" her face expression changed to sorrow.

 "What about your captain, what happened to her?" I had an odd feeling that I knew exactly what happened to her.

 "Like I said, we thought she was dead and the location of Tree is hidden and perhaps buried with her, but then again something happened. We saw her recently, but she seemed to have no recollection of who she really is. To be honest she has changed from proud, brave and modest warrior to destructive, egotistical maniac." She looked at me.

 Ah, dammit! "It's me, isn't it?" I bit my lip hoping for a negative replay, which never came. 

"Yes, it is you" she snapped her fingers, returning us back to the library. They were all there including Laszlo, waiting for my response. 

To hell and back! What am I suppose to do?! "If I'm that person, how come I don't remember anything? Or what about my power?" Try to answer that, ha! 

"We cannot answer that precisely, but there is one thing you were always telling us: the truth lies within your eyes." Kira answered.

 "Yeah, I never did get that, I mean it was a cool rhyme at least!" Danny added. Eyes?

"Can I have a mirror?" Blossom carefully put one in my hand, measuring me while doing so. I slowly pulled it up and looked at my reflection.

 "The truth lies within your eyes" I softly spoke, watching my pupils dilated. My reflection blinked back and grinned victoriously. 

"Ah good to be back" it came out of her/my mouth. I tilted my head. Am I talking to myself? Maybe I am going loco after all. "Don't worry, it's all in your eyes" she reassured. I am talking to myself, wow!

 "Ummm mirror, mirror on the wall, can you tell me what the heck is going on?!" I arched my brow. "Listen, you don't have to be afraid" 

"I'm not" "Don't interrupt me and yes you are" she fired back. Modest and proud, my ass. 

"Now it's is time for you all to go back to the Dream Eater stationary and take Lucid once and for all!" she commanded. 

"Hang on Braveheart! What about my power? And why would I risk my life for such nonsense?!" this was getting ridiculous.

 "You are me and I am you. That is the only reason you will need. Also Lucid knows the location of the library so get out" she calmly explain. "How?" she cannot know that,right? 

"Remember that Marella book? The one that told you the so-called history when you were human? It's fake, it's a setup and you know... get out now" she was convincing, in a way.

 "What about the Tree and my power?" I groaned. "Tree will be revealed due time.  As for your power, you are using it right now. Good luck and good-bye!" The mirror cracked and broke in lots of small ice crystals, covering my feet.

 Ice? Was that really ice? I looked up to see the others while they all stared, amusement filling their expressions.

 "And?" Kira tugged my sleeve.

 "Nothing much, a bit of ice! And Lucid knows where we are here so pack your bags we are going home!" I grinned. "Home sounds nice" Laszlo cleared his throat. Ah right, what am I going to do with him? We shall see, I guess.

 "You've heard her. Next destination: Stationary of Dream Eaters!" they all giggled and laughed like small kids.

 "Hey, you'll be alright" Laszlo put his hand on my shoulder.

 I hope so, I really do...

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