Chapter 9: The Tree Of Illusions

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"Oh dearest Avicia, your soldiers are going to second battle.And I'm hoping you're having a wonderful day! Hope we won't get killed by rabbits. Ready to burn this street,

 Sincerely Mare (best Nightmare Bringer!)"

 I clinked the pen waiting for a response. Since nothing came in, John and I went to our work. Yippy! 

Another rabbit figure was installed in their front yard. It was white with ugly brown spots. "Daisy, no!" John tried to stopped me, but I guess my inner child had to do something about it. I kicked it and figure landed right on the door bell. Bull's-eye!

 "Then we have to sell it bec..." Tony was just leaving his house when he stepped on the remaining parts of the rabbit.

 "I'm sorry, allergy!" I tapped him friendly on the back and shut the door as he looked utterly confused.

 "What is wrong with you?! You know that.." John started his lesson, but I've realized I wasn't in mood. One swift punch in the Adam's apple and he was quiet. "Good boy! You see, I got up on the wrong side of the bed so just hush!" he scowled at me, but didn't push any further. "Sandy, I'm going out! Nanny and butler are here and if you need anything, call them!" she tossed her bag on the shoulder and gave John a seductive attempt of goodbye."I'll be in yoga room if you need me" John muttered. „Okay, Johnny boy!" I licked my lips, successfully imitating Blossom.

 "Daisy!" Sandy appeared in front of me, tugging me by the sleeve. "Yes?" I raised my brow."I have to show you something. But first you have to close your eyes!""Sandy, I'm really not..." „Don't peek!" with enthusiasm she lead me to her room. "Okay, now open!" opening my eyes, I stared at the wall; at the picture on the wall to be exact. It was a tree, not sure which species, but it was definitely a tree. 

One side of the tree seemed healthy with leaves and birds in it, while other side was dead;naked branches seeping like thorns ready to stab some invisible opponent.

 "And this is?" "The scheme of Dream Eater hierarchy" "Excuse me?" I nearly spat. "I had a dream in which they explained me everything"I sat her on the bed. "They? What do you mean by that?" she simply shrugged. 

"The people who were talking in my dream! They said that Guardians bring good dreams and Nightmare Bringers, bad dreams. Did they visited you, Daisy?" I closed my mouth, trying to come up with an answer "How about you tell me that dream of yours?" she clapped her hands and sat next to me. "The voice was so pretty! First it was male and then female and then they mixed together with so many voices!" She explained.

 "Carry on" "They said they are Lucid guides.And they told me that I am special!" She giggled. "I though they are going to give me a gift for my fallen tooth, but they promised me something better!"

 "Why would they give you a gift for your tooth?" "Because of Tooth fairy!" Santa Claus is the chubby guy, Easter Bunny also brings something and then Tooth fairy... humans. "Okay, go on"

 "They told me I am the one who can break the Tree of Illusions, but they didn't want to tell me what is that. They showed me that tree" she jabbed her finger at the painting "and explained the whole hierarchy,but I couldn't keep up with so many names!" She huffed. "Daisy, they told me that I am the doom and the apocalypse. Does that mean I'm bad? Am I hurting someone?" 

Her pale blue eyes looked at mine. I felt the odd feeling inside of me and urge to... comfort? Was I became that soft? Ugh! "No, Sandy.You are not hurting anyone" "So I am a hero then? Like Power Ranger!" I nod my head, even though I didn't know who was Power Ranger. "I want to be a yellow one and you can be the red! one" 

She jumped up and down, kicking the air with her arms. "What are you doing?" "I am going to transform, quick you must suit up with me!" she tugged me by the sleeve. „Sandy I don't think.." "Quick, Scorpius is attacking our base!" She put two finger in the air and made some circular motion. „Red ranger are you ready?" "Sandy I d..." „I'm yellow ranger!" she stomped. 

Kids this days are just.... kids. "Yellow ranger I do..." I was interrupted once again, but this time it was John. His scream echoed trough the hall and I think I heard the doors violently shutting. 

"Do you have anything strange in yoga room?" we headed towards the yellow room. Once I opened it, a fresh scent of mint invaded my nostrils. Room was small,but light yellowish color made it tolerable. "Oh he must have stumbled upon Spiky." "Spiky?" she lifted a small insect from the ground. It was completely black,but I could see the spike on its tail. 

"Yes, a scorpion!" I burst out laughing. Poor John, "You know, I think we should get John back. What do you think?" Sandy pulled scorpion on a leaf of some exotic plant and we left to find John. 

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