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It feels like time has stopped. It feels surreal. I can't hear anything anymore. I can't smell anything. I have no words that I could possibly let out of my mouth right now. I can't form a straight thought. It feels like my head is completely empty. I don't know what to feel. It started out so ordinarily, how did it turn into this?

I can't help but stay still and watch from afar. As I stand there and watch, with every passing second, I feel like i regain a piece of my consciousness. The first thing that comes back to me is my hearing.

Usually, in this house the most prominent sound is the radio. It's always on in the kitchen, playing just the most popular songs at the time for the whole day, occasionally interrupted by local news. A car accident in the middle of the busiest traffic of the day. It is advised to take an alternate route, as this street is mostly closed off by police and ambulances. The next song already distracts from the news again. But it doesn't matter. The radio just functions as background noise so the house doesn't seem as quiet. It's nice. It doesn't feel as lonely being home alone.

Right now the radio isn't on. Thats not the noise I'm hearing. I only hear my own heartbeat. Faster than normal. Harder than normal. As the prominent sound of my own heart starts to fade in my ears, the noises from outside are getting louder. Dull sounds. Thumps. Occasional splattering. The second of my senses reactivating itself is my sense of smell.
Usually, it always smells like some kinda home-cooked food. It smells a bit like room freshener. It smells a bit like the fabric softener used in the washing machine. Sometimes, it smells a bit like some cleaning supplies, when the regular cleaning day is already due again. It just smells like home.

Right now, it doesn't smell like home. It doesn't smell fresh. There's an iron-like smell in the air. And some other very unpleasant but not easily defineable smell. Luckily though, there's also some fresh air making its way into the house. The window is open. I start feeling a light breeze on my skin. With all of my senses returning to me, my brain unfog. As I stand there, watching the whole scene unfold before my eyes i start thinking.

What is happening here right now? Why?

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz