Chapter 17

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        I couldn't even put into words how weirded out I was by this whole situation. He was just sitting right in front of me. Staring. Not saying anything. He didn't want to leave me out of his sight and boy, did he stick to that. He watched my every move and at some point I just sat there still as a statue, barely even breathing. I didn't dare do any sudden movements, afraid he would immediately jump at me. However, driven by my exhaustion and the wish to just escape his staring for a little bit, I decided to slowly lay down on the couch and maybe try to take a nap. I looked at him for a second before starting to move and lay down on my side. He was watching me intently, yet he wasn't moving an inch. So, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and turned around to have my back towards him. I couldn't see him potentially attack me or anything, but I also didn't have to look at him the whole time. I thought maybe I could ignore him enough to just fall asleep. Or at least think about something else. Though, since he brought me here, my mind was circling around the same things over and over again. My family, my friends, ways to escape, what could happen when I got out of here. And honestly, I always ended up in a very pessimistic state. At this point, I didn't believe I could ever just be normal and happy again. Feeling tears run down my cheeks, I slowly drifted off to sleep as I still felt Jack'S burning gaze in my back.


I woke up a while later. I looked up around the room and noticed it was dark outside. There was a lamp on in the living room so it wasn't completely dark inside the house at least. I looked towards the armchair and noticed Jack wasn't sitting there anymore. I almost breathed a sigh of relief until I heard noises from the kitchen, that was connected to the living room. I moved to look over into the direction of the noise and immediately wished I didn't. I saw Jack sitting at the little dining table next to the kitchen counter with some jars on the table in front of him. I couldn't exactly see what was inside the jars as I was sitting a bit too far away. But I didn't have to see it clearly to figure out what it was. After all, I already saw him do this already. The jars had some sort of organs in them, I'm just going to assume it's human organs, and Jack was sitting there, just casually eating them like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was still disgusting to look at but definitely not as bad as the first time I watched it. Probably also helped that he didn't straight up rip them out of my sister's body this time.

How could he even enjoy that? Does it even taste like anything? Why did I just ask that? It probably tastes like blood. And blood doesn't really taste great. I think I read somewhere humans shouldn't ingest too much blood because it's toxic to some degree. So how does he just eat raw, bloody organs? And come to think of it, what's with his eyes? They are just empty sockets. How could he see? I mean, I didn't know if he could but it very much seemed like that. Just from the way he was moving and how he directly looked at me. He must be able to see. But how?

As I watched Jack eat I noticed something else. He wasn't wearing his mask. Of course, he had to take it off to eat. But I just suddenly realized, this was the first time I actually saw his face. Well, he was sitting a good distance away so I couldn't see every detail of it. But from where I was sitting, he just looked like a normal person. Apart from the black holes for eyes. And also the grey skin. Why was it grey? The more I looked at Jack, the more I was wondering if he was even human. Many things about him seemed so strange, they seemed too impossible to be true. But there he was. Sitting in this kitchen. Eating these organs.

He probably noticed me watching him and looked up from his 'food' to look back at me. The weird eye contact while he was biting into what I assumed was a human kidney made me more uncomfortable again so I quickly verted my gaze and laid back down on the couch. However, watching him eat made me remember that I haven't had anything to eat yet. Usually, he brought me my food in the afternoon. It was already evening but he didn't seem to hurry to prepare food for me. Well, maybe he will bring me something when he is done eating. Unfortunately for me, that didn't seem to be the case. I heard the chair squeak as he pushed it back to stand up followed by him cleaning up the jars and eventually walking towards me to sit back down in his armchair. I was still too afraid to ask for food since I felt like he would get pissed again so I decided to just keep quiet and hope that he will give me something tomorrow when he calmed down.

Luckily for me, instead of staring at me again, he picked up a book and started reading. Now, I was really sure he could actually see without eyes. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to read. If it was braille or something he'd have to run his fingers over the pages of the book but he just casually leaned back and looked at the book, occasionally flipping the pages. He was basically just reading like normal. I couldn't see what the book he had was called but it was definitely a very thick one. Would have been interesting to know what kinda novels a psychopathic cannibal liked to read.

As he was just peacefully reading his novel, I found myself be the creep and stare at him for a change. He hadn't put his mask back on after eating, so I could take a closer look at his face now. If I just ignored the most obvious abnormal features, the rest of his face was pretty normal. I tried to imagine him with a more healthy looking skin colour and some eyes and in my imagination he almost looked kinda handsome. However, my imagination wasn't reality. And in reality, there was still some weird black liquid dripping out of his eye sockets. I didn't even want to know what that was.

Apart from his face, he seemed to have also taken a shower while I was sleeping. Or at least changed into new clothes. He didn't wear any of his muddy stuff anymore. He didn't really have any variety in his clothes though. He was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie pretty much every time I saw him. He just seemed to have changed into a clean pair. He didn't have his hood up like usual so I could see his brown messy hair, which he occasionally brushed back with his hand when it fell in front of his face and apparently bothered him while he read. It was weird. While he ate I only thought about how inhumane and abnormal he looked. But while I watched him read, I thought about how normal and casual he looked. Not only his behaviour towards me was confusing, but just he as a whole person was just a big ball of confusion for me. Suddenly, I heard him sigh.

"What are you staring at?"

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon