Chapter 18

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        His question caught me offguard. How long was I staring? I didn't even think about him potentially noticing my gaze. Suddenly, I became embarrassed. He looked up from his book to gaze at me. At least his voice didn't sound angry or annoyed. He looked at me, tilting his head slightly. He was expecting some kinda reply but I didn't know what to say. Why was I staring? I suppose I was just trying to figure him out. Not that I was anywhere close to that. I would probably never be able to really understand what's going on with him. But at least seeing his facial features for once made it easier to make sense of what he was feeling. And looking at him now, his face didn't seem to be in a bad mood. Not in a good mood either. He just looked very neutral. So if he wasn't angry, maybe I could say something without having to be too afraid. Though, I still didn't really have an answer to his question.

"Sorry." I mumbled, just saying something, hoping he would drop it and not ask anymore.

"That didn't answer my question. Why are you taring at me like that? Trying to figure out how to get out again?" He had a light smile on his lips. His voice almost sounded amused like he was making fun of me. Somehow that made me a little pissed off.

"Maybe. I'll get out of here eventually." I snapped at him, apparently feeling a bit too much courage again. I really had to work on controlling myself a bit more if I was on the verge of getting killed the whole time. Luckily, he didn't seem to get angry. Instead he just raised an eyebrow, still keeping his smile.

"Oh really? So far you seemed to only bring yourself in dangerous situations from which I had to rescue you. Are you sure you can manage getting out of the forest without me?" Now he really made fun of me. He wasn't exactly wrong. But I didn't like him emphasizing my mistakes and failures. "At least put more effort in so it's more fun for me. Your first attempt was fun, it's been going downhill since then." So he really just used me as some kinda toy to entertain him.

"Oh I'm so sorry I'm not providing more fun activities for you." I sat up, looking at him angrily and crossing my arms.

"Listen." Even though his smile grew wider, his voice got lower and a bit more intimidating. He closed his book, placed it on the coffee table in front of him and got up to walk closer to me. He leaned down, putting his hands on the back of the couch, trapping me between his arms. He was only a few centimeters away from my face. He grinned, making me observe another abnormal feature about him. His teeth were sharp like fangs. Well at least now I knew how he was able to just bite off chunks of raw organs. Fangs definitely made that easier than normal teeth. It sent a chill down my spine looking at him grinning at me dangerously like that tho. "I brought you here to entertain me. I didn't bring you here to give me more work and to take care of you like some child. So next time you escape, figure out a better plan. You won't escape anyway, but the more you entertain me, the better my mood gets and then you won't have to worry about me killing you. But if you make me save you from another dangerous situation, I will really. Lose. My. Shit." With that he pushed himself up again, turning around and getting back into his armchair.

"Why don't you just do it now? Just kill me if I annoy you so much. I'm not in the mood to be kept as a pet anyway." I snarled. "Not like I have anything to turn back to anyway." I quietly added, averting my gaze. I heard him chuckle.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Of course, you have something to return to. What was his name? Alex?" My blood nearly froze, hearing him say that name. How did he know him? Did he do anything to him? "Oh, don't worry, he's fine. I didn't do anything to him. Yet."

"Leave him alone!" I yelled, trying to get up and stand in front of him, only to pull at the chains and rubbing the metal against my ankle, probably leaving some bruises there.

"I will. As long as you don't make me angry." He smiled innocently at me, before picking his book back up and start reading again. I got so frustrated I wanted to just leave the room. I didn't want to be around him. But I was still chained to this couch. So I laid on my side, turning my back to him and closed my eyes. What did he even want from me? Just run away so he can chase me around a bit? What was his definition of 'fun'? And if I really managed to escape one day, would he just hunt me down again? Would he hurt my friends?

Every time I heard him turn a page in his book behind me, the anger inside me grew bigger. I wanted to hurt him like he was hurting me. I wanted him to know what it felt like to be locked up, treated like some toy. I wanted him to know what it felt like being so desperate and sad and confused and full of fear and frustrated. Just everything I felt over the past week while I was with him. He was just sitting there, smiling to himself like an idiot. Thinking he won. Thinking he had full control over me. Thinking he was untouchable. Invincible. I will make him pay for this. Not today. But at some point. Some day, I will make him pay.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें