Chapter 28

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        Jack went out after sunset again. If he actually brings a maid's costume I swear to god... I thought to myself, already mentally preparing myself to start a fight with him. No way in hell would I ever wear that. He should be glad I even agreed to doing all of that for him. Though, I suppose it was still better than being chained up. I sighed. I was just sitting on the couch and reading a book like usual. I was bored. I looked at the TV in the room. I've never seen Jack use it. Maybe it was broken? Being way too bored to keep reading, I got up from the couch and walked over to the TV. I cleaned pretty much every part of this room and I couldn't remember ever seeing a remote anywhere. There should be buttons on the TV itself though. At least to turn it on. I felt around the sides of the screen until I found something. There were a few buttons on the left side. I started just pressing some, looking for the one to turn the TV on.

Surprisingly, it actually turned on. I stepped back as I watched the screen light up and started grinning like crazy when I heard the voices of people through the TV. The only person I heard the past weeks was Jack. And he didn't talk much when he didn't want to threaten or annoy me somehow. Hearing someone else's voice for the first time in so long nearly made me tear up, even if it was just through the TV. It seemed to be a regular news channel. I decided to just sit back on the couch and watch it. It wasn't the most interesting thing but it was different and just what I needed. Having a news reporter look into the camera like he was looking right at me while talking about something, it felt like I just had a conversation with another, normal human being for once. I didn't care much about the report. It was something sports related which is not something I was particularly interested in. But it didn't matter. I enjoyed it nonetheless.

That was until they switched the topic. After the first reporter was done enthusiastically announcing all of the exciting upcoming sports events, they switched over to a different reporter who had a way more grim expression on their face. Seemed like they were entering the serious part of the news. Even though I could've probably needed some more enthusiasm and good news I still decided to just listen to what's going on outside of this little house.

"Switching over to a more serious topic, the missing girl (Y/N) (L/N) has yet to be found. She disappeared without any traces from her hometown around 3 weeks ago after a gruesome murder took place in her home with none of her family members surviving. All of them seemed to be missing organs, just like several other murder cases that have ocurred lately in the area, presumably all committed by the same person. Police are still looking for any kind of clues and information on the case while increasing security measures as much as possible. If you saw or heard something, please call the following number as soon as possible. Stay safe out there."

I looked at the picture of me flashing across the TV. I have been reported missing. They were looking for me. And they already knew Jack was going around killing people. Well, they didn't know it was Jack. But they knew it was a serial killer. How long would it take for them to find Jack? And this house? Would they ever find me?

Wait, did she just say none of my family members survived? So my mom was dead too? I knew my father and my sister were but I heard my mom move around before Jack attacked me. She was still alive when I was there. How did she die? Did Jack go back and finish her off? Or did she just die from the injuries she already had? I started feeling weird. I have been away from everything for so long. Or at least it felt like it was so long ago. I got so used to being in this house with Jack, only talking to him, doing all of these things for him. What if they thought I was some kinda accomplice? If they actually raided this house and just saw me casually sitting on the couch with Jack, reading books peacefully they would never believe I'm a victim. I had to get out. I had to leave and reach the police before they could find me like this. I had to run away.

I went into the bedroom to get some more clothes. I was only wearing a t-shirt so I grabbed a hoodie to put on. it was probably still way too cold to run around without a hoodie. Well, Jack never brought me any shoes so my feet would be cold anyway. But at least my upper body was fine. I nearly ran back to the living room, making a beeline towards the door. I grabbed the door handle only to notice the door was locked. Should've expected that but I still internally cursed before turning to the windows. They were old and hard to open but I still decided to try. I walked over to the next best window and pushed and pulled as much as I could to get the creaky wood to move and make space for me to squeeze outside. I managed to open the window a bit but definitely not enough to get my entire body through it.

Getting frustrated already I turned to another window, before I heard noises outside. Was Jack already back? He always stayed out for many hours, almost until sunrise but this trip was very short compared to usual. I quickly moved away from the windows as I listened to the quickly approaching footsteps followed by the door getting unlocked hastily and thrown open. Jack stumbled inside, holding the side of his stomach before collapsing to his knees. He breathed heavily as he looked up at me, then at the TV and back at me.

"Why is that turned on? What are you..." He interrupted himself with a groan and grimaced. "Shit." He exhaled.

"What happened?"

"What does it look like? I got interrupted." He snapped at me, obviously in a lot of pain. Stepping closer to him, I could make out holes in his hoodie with stains forming around them. What happened to him? Where did those injuries come from? Did he get attacked by his victim before he could finish them off? Or maybe the police caught him and tried to subdue him. Maybe they even followed him here. I had to leave quickly. Feeling stressed and panicked, I didn't think much before I reeled back and kicked the already kneeling Jack right where the holes in his hoodie were, causing him to yelp and fall back before I took off through the still open door into the forest.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now