Chapter 26

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 I swallowed hard. How long was I even staring? He was fully aware that I was just staring, asking myself several questions and trying to come up with answers on my own. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Sorry." I mumbled and turned around quickly, facing the back of the couch once again and trying to calm my racing heart down.

"I'm not going to allow bothersome questions again. I'll give you this one chance." He said in a tired voice. I thought about it. Maybe it would be a good idea to ask and find out a bunch of stuff about him. Maybe it could help me escape. Or maybe it could help me stand up against him better so I don't have to spend another hour removing dried blood out of his clothes. At the very least, maybe I could just figure out his emotions a bit better and react to it accordingly. I took a deep breath and sat up, leaning on the back of the couch and looking towards him once more. I cleared my throat and thought about where to start.

"How old are you?" Good start, good start. Don't pull out the weirdest, most personal questions right at the beginning.

"That's what you're thinking so hard about?" Jack scoffed, raising an eyebrow at me. I didn't say anything, just held his gaze until he sighed. "I'm not sure. I'm not really celebrating my birthday every year. Maybe 20-ish or something." He shrugged. So not much older than me. He looked pretty young so that wasn't a surprise.

"You're interested in medicine and psychology? Why do you know so much about it?"

"Well, you gotta know how to get to the tastiest organs, don't you?" He grinned at me and chuckled. I gave him an annoyed look. "I was just joking around. I'm interested in it aside from using it for my lunch. That's why I just read a lot about it when I had some free time." I slowly nodded. He didn't mention anything about med school or something. Did he really just teach himself with the help of some books? He didn't seem like he was lying so far or holding anything back. I started to feel a little more confident.

"Why do you... I mean..." I trailed off. I didn't want to offend him. Not because I was scared of hurting his feelings, I was just scared he was going to get pissed again and attack me. He tilted his head at me and pulled up one side of his mouth, forming a half grin.

"Why do I look like this? Grey skin? They missing eyes?" Luckily, he still sounded somehow amused and not angry or anything. I just nodded. He stayed quiet for a few seconds. "I actually don't really know. I just look like this." He shrugged.

"Have you always looked like this?"

"I guess so. I don't remember it any other way." I looked at him intently, trying to figure out any kind of emotion he might feel but he just seemed indifferent. Like this wasn't a big deal to him. Well, if he doesn't know it any other way then I suppose it made sense that he didn't care much. I wondered though, he probably looked really scary to other people. So, was there anyone else he spend time with? Did he have friends or anything like that? Was he just constantly alone in this house before he brought me here? The more I talked to him the more question rose up inside me. He probably noticed that too as he started to chuckle. "Well, I'm tired of answering questions."


"But you have more questions? Tough. My turn now. I want to ask questions too."

"Wait, I didn't agree to that!"

"It's just two little questions. After I just let you ask whatever you want for a while, I think you owe me." He said with a smug grin. I wanted to protest but I knew he wouldn't let it go easily anyway. I hesitantly nodded. "So, you said I killed the people that hurt you." Of course, he was going to press about that, I internally rolled my eyes. "What did they do?"

"Why do you care?"

"It's not your turn to ask questions. It's your turn to answer mine."

"It's nothing special. They were my family. Families argue. I'm the youngest one so I just get pushed around the most." I shrugged, trying to seem unfazed but thinking about it made me feel a bit uneasy and I gazed down at the floor.

"And everyone just has constant nightmares about family arguments?"

"How should I know? I only know about my own family. I don't know about others. And a cannibalistic psychopath like you wouldn't know about it anyway." I snapped at him, suddenly realizing just how much this topic bothered me. I sighed and dropped my head a bit, staring at the floor again. He stayed quiet for a bit and I already internally prepared myself for some kind of attack, thinking I might have made him mad with that comment. Since nothing happened and I didn't hear him move at all either, I raised my gaze to look at him again. He was still sitting there calmly with his arms crossed and staring at me intently with an expression I couldn't quite figure out.

"Alright." He said in a lower voice than before. His mood obviously changed a bit, giving me slight goosebumps in anticipation of what he was about to do. "Last question. Are you sad about their deaths?" I immediately opened my mouth to say 'yes, of course' but it got stuck in my throat. I closed my mouth. I was sad. Right? Who wouldn't be sad about their family's death? I thought back to that night and what I saw. The dead bodies. All the blood. I remembered the smell. It was truly disgusting. Upsetting. I started to feel a bit dizzy. Was I sad that they were gone? I thought back to the dreams I was having lately. All those flashbacks. Flashbacks of getting yelled at, pushed around, hit, not taken seriously, laughed at, ridiculed. My breathing started to get faster and faster. Was I sad that all of that wasn't going to happen anymore? No. They mistreated me the whole time. I hid in the forest so many times because I was terrified of going home. Was I sad about not having to hide anymore? No. I trembled. All those scenes started to flash before my eyes again. All this mistreatment I had to take from them. I heard their laughter. Their sick laughter they always burst into whenever I tried to speak up for myself. It felt almost deafening. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I covered my ears to quiet down the laughter but it seemed to only get louder. I curled up into a ball.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Jack's voice but my ragged breathing and crying turned only into hiccups as my vision started to become blurry. I fell to the side on the couch, still curled into a ball and holding my head, trying desperately to calm my racing heart and breathing. Please stop, please stop. Make it stop, make it stop. Succumbing to y sobbing, exhaustion came over me and I felt myself slowly pass out.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now