Chapter 33

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        He was here. It was definitely him. Who else could it possibly be? I didn't write that on a post it note and placed it on my own books. Alex wouldn't do that. Who else was there? It had to be him. Was he still here? I stood there silently for a few moments, not daring to move a single muscle while my mind was racing. Alex' room was so quiet when I passed it. He threatened to hurt Alex when I did anything he didn't like. Feeling a wave of panic wash over me I turned on my heel and ran out of the room and grabbed the handle of the door right next to my room. Without thinking much about it, I pushed the door open and ran inside the room. Looking around frantically, my eyes stopped at the bed. Alex was laying there. Or rather, he slowly turned to towards me and pushed himself up to look at me.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing? What time is it?" He sleepily said as he rubbed his eyes. He was fine. There was no blood anywhere. He wasn't hurt. I took a deep breath. He was fine. Nothing happened. "(Y/N)?" He asked again, now clearly worried again.

"Sorry. I just... I thought I heard something. It's fine, just keep sleeping. Sorry I woke you up so early." I muttered as I turned around and left his room again, closing the door behind me. I heard him call out to me again but I just walked back to my room. I picked up my poor sandwich off the ground and placed it on the desk before grabbing the yellow post-it note. I never actually saw Jack's writing. I couldn't say it was definitely his. But it surely wasn't Alex' handwriting. And there was no one else who could potentially place the note there. Jack was here. He knew where I was. Maybe he was even watching me sleep the whole time. Maybe that's why I had such a hard time resting. I just felt him around me the whole time. I felt myself start to panic again but tried to take deep breaths again. Alright. He was somewhat recovered apparently. Police hasn't caught him yet. He was out there. And he was after me. Okay. Deep breaths. Nothing to worry about. I tried to calm myself down. I shouldn't tell Alex or his parents. They would freak out. But what if Jack comes back to hurt them?

I could've just slapped myself. Jack threatened them. Why did I think I could just escape him and it'd be fine? He already told me in advance he was going to do something to Alex and his family. I put them in danger. I shouldn't have run away. If anything happened to them, it'd be my fault. What was I supposed to do now? But why didn't he do anything to them yet? He was definitely here. Right? Though, I made sure to lock everything up before sleeping. How did he even get in? Maybe it wasn't even him. But that message was a bit too personal. Who else would ask if I missed them? I really had to tell the police about it. But what if Jack expected me to do that and already abandoned the house in the forest? What if he already made sure they wouldn't find him? He was smart. Probably smart enough to handle a few cops roaming around a dense forest looking for him.

"Hey, what's going on?" Alex sudden voice right next to me made me jump and I nearly tripped over my own feet as I fell to the side but managed to catch myself just in time.

"Jesus Christ, since when have you been standing there?" I snapped at him, placing a hand on my chest, feeling my rapid heartbeat. "You scared the living shit out of me."

"Sorry, I knocked on the door. And called out to you twice. What's going on? You've been thinking about something really hard just now." His voice sounded so concerned again. It was pretty much the only emotion I saw in him lately. How annoying.

"Nothing, it's fine. I just... uh..." Desperately looking for some kind of excuse, I paused for a moment. "I just worry about all the school stuff and final exams and everything. I missed so much so I'm not sure if I can handle it all now." Good lie, good lie.

"Oh, well, if you need help with anything you can always ask me." He offered but his furrowed brows told me he wasn't fully buying my lie. "But hey, if you want to get your mind off of it for a bit and just, you know, leave this room for a bit, there's a little party going on at Macy's house tonight. Of course, you don't have to go. If you want I'll just stay home with you as well. I just thought maybe-"

"Sounds great!" I cut him off, putting on the biggest smile I could manage. I didn't really feel like partying. Not at all. But I just didn't want to be confronted with these stares of pity. I wanted him to cheer up a bit. Seeing him smile back at me slightly, it seemed to work.

"Cool, get ready around 8pm then." He placed his hand on my head, completely messing up my hair as he grinned at me and left the room again, ignoring the death stare I gave him. It felt nice being normal like that again. Nice enough to almost forget about the problem I had. At least in the middle of a party, Jack couldn't just chime in and hurt us, right? He wouldn't just run into a crowd of people like that. Maybe we were somewhat safe at the party. That'd be nice.


Just like Alex told me to, I was ready to leave the house at 8pm. I spent so much time in just sweatpants in hoodies, I could barely remember what jeans felt like. But I wore them. Black, ripped skinny jeans with a tight longsleeve shirt. Taking a look at myself in the mirror, I tried to internally cheer myself up a bit. Seeing some friends, having a casual party and maybe letting loose a little bit was great right now. It was a way to keep my mind off of everything and just feel normal again. Just what I wanted the most. I took a deep breath when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, (Y/N), are you ready?" I heard Alex' voice from the hallway.

"Yeah." I yelled back before making my way over to the door, opening it and stepping out to face him. "Let's go and have some fun!" I smiled at him.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now