Chapter 27

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        I slowly opened my crusty, swollen eyes. My head hurt a bit and I felt dizzy, even though I couldn't fully remember what I did before falling asleep. Squinting my eyes until they adjusted to the light in the room, I managed to eventually open them fully and sat up on the couch. I rubbed my eyes. They felt horrible. Slowly, I remembered what happened the night before. I was asking Jack a bunch of questions. Then he asked me a question and that somehow gave me a whole breakdown. I got very angry at him and then I had a panic attack. Why did that happen? It was just a question. Why did it affect me so much? And why couldn't I answer him?

I looked around the room until my gaze stopped at the armchair. Jack was sitting there. Arms crossed. Head leaning on the back of the chair. His eyes closed. Seemed like he was asleep. Why was he sleeping there though? He has never done that before. Usually he always just went into his room at some point.

Noticing just how dry my throat felt, I decided not to think too hard about Jack and just get up and get some water instead. I pushed the blanket away from me and swung my legs off the couch to stand up. Still feeling dizzy, I had some problems balancing at first and staggered around for the first few steps but I managed to get to the kitchen and open the cabinets to look for a glass or a cup. I had trouble finding one at first only to eventually spot some in the top part of the cabinet, just out of my reach. I sighed looking up at the cups and getting on my tiptoes, reaching up as far as I could without riskin to lose my balance again. I could feel the cup on the tips of my fingers but just couldn't manage to grab it. Internally cursing to myself, suddenly a shadow engulfed my vision and I felt a presence right behind be just as I watched an arm wrapped in a black sleeve reach above my head towards the cup. My breath got stuck in my throat as I realized it was Jack getting the cup for me, probably after watching me try to reach for it for a while. I didn't hear him get up or approach me at all so his sudden presence right behind me startled me. Not only that, but also feeling his body lightly press against my back as he leaned forward to grab the cup. It was only for a second but it felt like time was going in slowmotion for a while.

"Uh, thank you." I said as he placed the cup in front of me on the counter. He took a step away from me to lean on the kitchen counter next to my cup and look at me with his arms crossed again. Trying to avoid his piercing gaze, I grabbed the cup to finally get myself some water and soothe my dry throat. I knew he was just staring at me the whole time and it made me uncomfortable as much as it annoyed me. Why didn't he just say whatever he wanted to say? Why did he always stare like that? I decided to go and take a shower. Partly, because I felt uncomfortable with t'my still kinda crusty eyes and I thought a nice hot shower would fix me up a bit. But it was also a good way to escape Jack for a while, so I quickly made my way over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I couldn't lock it from the inside but Jack never entered the room when he knew that I was in there so it was fine. He was very creepy but at least not in that way.

Stepping into the shower and letting the hot water hit my body, I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't fully explain all the emotions in my head. I felt exhausted just from everything happening. I felt embarrassed about having some kinda panic attack right in front of Jack. I felt scared he would get annoyed by me and hurt me in some way. I felt conflicted about being in this house in general. And I still felt conflicted about the question Jack asked me. Most of all, I felt weird about the situation just now though. Him just being so close to my made my heart nearly stop. I wasn't sure if it was out of fear though, I didn't exactly feel scared. And yet, having him right at my back, feeling the warmth of his body and getting hit by a waft of his scent so suddenly still made me feel strange. Surprisingly, he didn't smell bad. I expected the scent of death for some reason but he just smelled like the ffabric softener I used when I washed his clothes mixed with, I assumed, some kinda shampoo he probably used. It wasn't special. It probably just made me feel weird because it was so surprising.

When I was done cleaning myself up while having a whole inner monologue, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to dry off with a towel. I walked over to the sink tp brush my teeth as well and looked into the mirror. Luckily, the shower helped with my puffy eyes and I almost looked normal. Finishing up by putting on simple grey sweatpants with a black shirt, I left the bathroom and decided to do my new job as a maid, so I gathered some cleaning supplied and got to work.

While I was dusting and sweeping around the living room, of course Jack was right there watching and judging my every step. I made sure to really get every last spot to avoid any comment from him. "You're a handful to take care of but you're at least useful as a maid." Damn, even when I'm doing it right he's giving some weird comment. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks." I mumbled, deciding against replying something snarky to avoid any kind of argument. I kept my gaze on the spot I was cleaning and tried to ignore his stares until I hear him chuckle to himself. I sighed and turned around to face him. "What's so funny now?" He didn't have his mask on so I could clearly see his amused smile.

"Nothing, I just had a funny thought."

"Care to share it with me if you're already laughing about me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I just thought, maybe I should get a maid's costume for you next time I'll go out. Don't you think that would look just great on you?" He said with a grin. I changed my mind. He was that kind of creepy. Definitely.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now