Chapter 29

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        My mind was fuzzy. I didn't really think about anything as I was running through the forest, passing trees after trees while hoping I was going into the right direction. I didn't even know how long I was running already, I felt like I just had a complete tunnel vision. I was scared Jack was after me. But he seemed to be badly hurt. He was probably much slower and weaker than usual. I still didn't want to risk him catching up to me so I forced myself to run as much as I could. Only when I felt my lungs burning up and my legs getting weak I stopped to lean on a tree for a few seconds. I looked behind me to make sure Jack was nowhere to be seen before I slumped down and tried to catch my breath.

Shit, what did I just do? As I was still breathing heavily, I slowly processed the past few minutes. I got so scared that people might think I was his accomplice or something. I didn't think at all before kicking him down to the ground and running. Was he okay? No, why should I worry about him? He was crazy. He was a murdered. And a cannibal. And my kidnapper. He was no one whose wellbeing should be any of my concerns. As my breathing was slowly calming down, I looked around. It was still dark and I could barely see anything. But I didn't have time to panic or worry. I forced myself to keep walking in the direction I remembered I saw a town in, occasionally leaning on a nearby tree. I jogged or ran whenever I felt like I caught my breath enough to try it again to get out of the forest as quickly as possible. I didn't think about any other dangers I could potentially run into all alone in a dark forest, having decided that the absolute worst that could happen to me was to come across Jack again.


I didn't know how long I was dragging my tired body through the forest. I only knew my lungs were close to collapsing and my legs would give in any second now. I didn't manage to reach the town. I didn't even manage to leave the forest. And I sure as hell wasn't able to climb any trees to get a better overview of where I even was. I stumbled forward, not even sure if I was still going in the right direction. Feeling nothing but pain in my chest as I was trying to breathe, I felt tears build up in my eyes. Jack was still nowehere to be seen. This was my best chance to get away. I couldn't give up now. I couldn't stop. I had to keep going. I forced my legs to take step after step while my vision became more and more blurry. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I felt my knees give in and I fell to the ground. Shit, don't make me fail now. Please, just a bit more. I internally begged my own body to keep carrying me.

Realizing just how weak my body was, I laid down flat on the ground, rolling on my back and looking up. I could see bits of the nightsky through the crowns of the trees with some stars flashing through the leaves every now and then. I breathed in the cool air, feeling it burn inside my lungs. Wincing slightly at that piercing, sharp pain I slowly closed my eyes. I felt so dizzy. I didn't want to give up but I couldn't manage to run anymore. My head felt like it was spinning and I already felt my consciousness fade away slowly until I heard a noise. The forest was nearly dead quiet up until that point. I recognized the sound. It was a car. Not too close. But there was definitely a street not far away from me. My eyes shot open. This wasn't the time to give up. I was so close to freedom. A street meant I was close to people and civilization. I was so close to getting help. I rolled over, pushing my tired body up, using every ounce of adrenaline the sound of cars just caused inside me.

Using every tree on my way to lean on and support myself, I dragged my body towards the noise I heard. Eventually, the forest got less and less dense and I finally reached the end of it. I cried tears of joy as I looked at the street in front of me. I stumbled towards the concrete floor, collapsing on it once again. I was so happy to be out of the forest, I nearly kissed the floor. I looked around to check if there was anyone around. To my luck, I saw headlights in the distance, approaching me slowly. As they were coming closer, I realized it was a police car, driving slowly like they were looking for something. I assumed they really were the ones catching Jack and hurting him. Since he got away, they seemed to be patrolling and still searching for him. But that didn't matter. I used the rest of my strength to wave my arm, signaling that I needed help. As my vision started to get blurry again, the car came to a stop right before me and several people stormed out, running towards me.

"Are you okay? What happened to you?" One immediately started asking question after question. I heard another person call for an ambulance before also kneeling down in front of me and scanning me for injuries. I probably looked like shit. They stared at me with concern. "Wait, aren't you (Y/N) (L/N)?" I tried to speak but I couldn't manage to get any sound out of my body at all, so I just lightly nodded. Still breathing heavily, I felt myself really pass out this time, while the people around me were still asking questions, trying to keep my attention and keep me from passing out. I sighed, feeling the side of my mouth lightly twitch up. I made it. I managed to get out. I was safe.

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